12月3日 | 火 | 1:55 PM (日本時間)
USD/Solaris Workflow Evolution, Houdini Tools and Axiom Efficiency
Established almost eight years ago, Megalis embraced Houdini as the backbone of their pipeline since day one. They share their learnings on implementing USD and Solaris, show some simple but powerful tools on which they rely on a daily basis – and talk about Axiom which became their go-to Houdini plugin for quick volumes iterations.
Christophe Rodo is VFX supervisor and co-CEO for Megalis VFX. Chris has worked as FX and Pipeline supervisor on full CG features as well as live action projects in the companies he dreamed to work at since he was a teenager. Now creating his own dream and hopefully others’ by building a studio that can create projects driven by passion.