network rendering on educational licience

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For the last few months in my Uni we tried to figure out why

mantra -H someothermachine

command does not work and gives back the following:

Host someothermachine: invalid version detected 0.0.0 (not 9.0.0)

all the machines have the same version of houdini and mantra. The diagnostics from server and host was sent to SESI and everything was ok. I cant have direct contact with SESI as a student so our IT guy does all the comunication and clearly this is not his first priority (there are not many students who want or know how to render over the network).

Well splitting frame per machine over the network is not a problem, there are other ways to do this. But when you want to split each complex frames in few machines you need this command

mantra -H host1,host2

My questions are:
Network rendering is it blocked to educational licence?
And if yes, how HQueue is available only in master and educational?
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