transferring image pixel colors on to instanced geometry p

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I have been following this stickies tutorial []
Instead of creating the animation, I just imported an image. Now I am trying to transfer the pixels/color from the image on to the instanced stickies. Of course it does not work well, because each sticky gets the color from point it's attached to and I loose details. Basically each sticky becomes a huge pixel.
Is there a way to map the image pixels on the points of the instanced sticky?
I have attached the hipnc for reference. You'd need to import your own file in the image node. Thanks.

stickies.hipnc (114.9 KB)

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Is this is what you want?

stickies_slon.hipnc (152.1 KB)

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oh yeah, totally. it gives me a few errors when I try to open it up.. something about the unrecognized parameter ‘target’ , unrecognized parameter 'refill_bias" in material layered.
can you give me a quick overview of what you did? I see you added a point2 node after copy_stikies, does it give you an access to the points on each stikie?
Thank you so much.
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Hi sf_dude. I dont know why are you getting those errors. I created that file in H 11.

tex(“Mandril.pic”, $BBX, $BBZ, D_CR)

You can use picni or tex or texni function to take the color form the position specified. In those expressions you specify the position by variable $BBX and $BBZ which gives bounding box information of the input node (in this case input node is copy node)
tex function is faster than picni
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