I've got some prefractured geometry, which i than use the RBD fracture shelf tool to bring it into a DOP network, i want the simulation of each individual piece to start when in the vicinity of a sphere, but have no clue how to.
I'll post the file if someone requests it, I'm not new to Houdini, only DOPs, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.
Starting DOP simulation when objecs inside sphere.
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- anon_user_63541013
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years ago I played around with RBD activation based on distance to a sphere, check out the attached file ! You can also create a centroid point in SOPs and create an attribute (filetransfer SOP color i.e.) and transfer that to DOPs to control the Active Value DOP (more common approach), you should find plenty of topics how to do that on this forum.
- anon_user_63541013
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- anon_user_63541013
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