I'm have problem to delete some duplicate points. I have a set of points and some of them have the same coordinates.
For simplicity, let's say I have 6 points, #1 and #3 are at the same place and #0 and #5 also. Just to be clear :
I create 2 closed GEO_PrimPoly, one with points #2, 5 and 4 and the second with 4, 3 and 2. From that point, the triangles are at their “right” place. But then, I delete points #0 and 1 (gdp->deletePoint(#ofPOintToRemove, 1)) and the 2 triangles are broken :
It seems that houdini is modifying the point number in order to avoid discontinuity but without updating the poly's vertex numbers. Or I'm doing something wrong ?
I've tried to use fastConsolidatePoints(), but I find this call to be kind of slow and redondant because in my algorithm I'm already searching for duplicate points and I know the index of the points not being use in any polys.