Houdini 13 Wishlist.

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Speaking as an “artist”, while some areas might need be little tweaks here an there for the more artsy inclined people. (ie an improvement to the sculpt node to have a Move feature, so one could actually sculpt the guide hairs, or something like ).

The way Houdini works speaks more to me than say a program like Maya (or Cinema 4d in your case). Being able to work in a truly non-linear fashion is more art driven then anything else i can imagine. It just takes getting used to and really benefits the users that take the time to comprehend how to manipulate the power is available to them.

Oh and one thing that need an update HELP.

Its really good, but there are a few holes here and there and not to mention the python documentation.
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It looks like Houdini is going in the direction of being a leader in fluid dynamics and cloth simulation. It would also be great to see something similar with particles – a big jump in the volume/speed of handled particles, whether rendered as points, sprites, volumes, or whatever.

Also, +1 for hair grooming/stylization.
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Rigid Body Enhancements in speed, features and ease of control . Bullet is ok, but still to slow with many objects, and it is not possible to get complex objects simulated with out exploding sims. Best would be to speed up Houdini's own RBD solver. it is very robust.
Controlling RBDs could be also easier. For example You have to use python or extreme long expressions to get control over RBDs with a sop point cloud.
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Yeah but with low level more difficult approaches is where Houdini's power is, it may be hard to get a RBD solver so robust yet fast. The big companies have power house's for computers also.
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mh, I think You should give youself a real chance to get used to the houdini interface and workflow. Once You are used to it You don't want to miss it. The node view is one if it's key features. You will never look back to cinema, Don't make the mistake to expcect houdini to be a better cinema, it is different and that's great.
I have give many tries for houdini's interface and workflow and i think still that houdini really need second option for workflow and interface too. Some kind of interface and workflow which would have “simple and easy” logic with tag's in the treeview.

I guess that tag's would be also good thing for node based interface too, it might work. Houdini is very good at simulations and that's strength of houdini.

And Houdini still should focus on simulation tools, but in future (maybe far away) there should be also the second option for interface / workflow too (in my opinion).

And sure the speed is most needed feature in every kind of softwares, so the speed improvements are very welcome always
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I have give many tries for houdini's interface and workflow and i think still that houdini really need second option for workflow and interface too. Some kind of interface and workflow which would have “simple and easy” logic with tag's in the treeview.

I don't know any experienced houdini user, who blame houdini interface and workflow. Yes, it's not ideal, but is the best, compared to other 3d software. I also suggest you to work with houdini a little bit more, before you post your wishes

My wishes:
1) Mantra Alembic Procedural
2) CVEX in Delayed Load Procedural
3) More python!!! (implementation and documentation)
4) Python binding to houdini UI Scripting Language?
5) Middle mouse viewport handle drag (like maya|xsi)
6) VEX Coshaders! More advanced vex (like RSL 2.0)
7) More PBR speed!! Make it best!!
Aleksei Rusev
Sr. Graphics Tools Engineer @ Nvidia
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mh, I think You should give youself a real chance to get used to the houdini interface and workflow. Once You are used to it You don't want to miss it. The node view is one if it's key features. You will never look back to cinema, Don't make the mistake to expcect houdini to be a better cinema, it is different and that's great.
I have give many tries for houdini's interface and workflow and i think still that houdini really need second option for workflow and interface too. Some kind of interface and workflow which would have “simple and easy” logic with tag's in the treeview.

I guess that tag's would be also good thing for node based interface too, it might work. Houdini is very good at simulations and that's strength of houdini.

And Houdini still should focus on simulation tools, but in future (maybe far away) there should be also the second option for interface / workflow too (in my opinion).

And sure the speed is most needed feature in every kind of softwares, so the speed improvements are very welcome always

Houdini with an easy interface wouldn't be houdini, It would lose what makes it so good, shelf tools are a great way to do stuff quick, but changing the network view or anything like that would be stupid.
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Houdini with an easy interface wouldn't be houdini, It would lose what makes it so good, shelf tools are a great way to do stuff quick, but changing the network view or anything like that would be stupid.

That's why i am suggestion other option for new users, and for those who wants to work more fast way. Houdini is very slow to use because of it's interface and workflow. I am 100% sure that there could be other way to do this more fast and more easy without losing the flexibility and power of houdini.

If people can do things easily and more fast, they will choose the more simple option because it will safe lots of times and if you got more time then you can do it much better. Usually things which are simple to use, they are more fast and powerful (because you can do more things in same time than with the slow and hard option/way).

I know that there can be other option for Houdini's workflow and interface without losing the power of Houdini. Options are good thing, and that's why the old interface and workflow should stay in houdini (for old users) always but i am just saying that there could be option in interface where user could change the workflow and interface to other with one button.

I am just trying to help sidefx with my suggestions. If Houdini want to grow bigger, then it should have the second option for interface and workflow.
Especially the tree-view will need lots of improvements (mostly tags).

At least i am trying to help in my way (sure these are only my opinions, and i might be wrong), but it looks like people are Knocking out my ideas without any good rationalization. If people say “that's stupid”, it won't advance the conversation and that will teach nothing… That kind of conversation will also kill the topic. It will also messages that “hi, i am or young… stupid young person…”, and always the first impressions will make you look good or bad.


kind regards, Jumaku
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Houdini with an easy interface wouldn't be houdini, It would lose what makes it so good, shelf tools are a great way to do stuff quick, but changing the network view or anything like that would be stupid.

That's why i am suggestion other option for new users, and for those who wants to work more fast way. Houdini is very slow to use because of it's interface and workflow. I am 100% sure that there could be other way to do this more fast and more easy without losing the flexibility and power of houdini.

If people can do things easily and more fast, they will choose the more simple option because it will safe lots of times and if you got more time then you can do it much better. Usually things which are simple to use, they are more fast and powerful (because you can do more things in same time than with the slow and hard option/way).

I know that there can be other option for Houdini's workflow and interface without losing the power of Houdini. Options are good thing, and that's why the old interface and workflow should stay in houdini (for old users) always but i am just saying that there could be option in interface where user could change the workflow and interface to other with one button.

I am just trying to help sidefx with my suggestions. If Houdini want to grow bigger, then it should have the second option for interface and workflow.
Especially the tree-view will need lots of improvements (mostly tags).

At least i am trying to help in my way (sure these are only my opinions), but it looks like people are Knocking out my ideas without any good rationalization. If people say “that's stupid”, it won't advance the conversation and that will teach nothing…

kind regards, Jumaku

I think the community is a bit tired of people starting threads like…
Hi. I´m new to this and why is it so difficult to learn?
It really should work like in maya, XSI, C4D?

There are holes and things that could be better I do agree, but…
Going from that to develop a second interface and workflow for people that just dont want to spend their time learning something new, sounds like a huge waste of resources.
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Houdini with an easy interface wouldn't be houdini, It would lose what makes it so good, shelf tools are a great way to do stuff quick, but changing the network view or anything like that would be stupid.

That's why i am suggestion other option for new users, and for those who wants to work more fast way. Houdini is very slow to use because of it's interface and workflow. I am 100% sure that there could be other way to do this more fast and more easy without losing the flexibility and power of houdini.

If people can do things easily and more fast, they will choose the more simple option because it will safe lots of times and if you got more time then you can do it much better. Usually things which are simple to use, they are more fast and powerful (because you can do more things in same time than with the slow and hard option/way).

I know that there can be other option for Houdini's workflow and interface without losing the power of Houdini. Options are good thing, and that's why the old interface and workflow should stay in houdini (for old users) always but i am just saying that there could be option in interface where user could change the workflow and interface to other with one button.

I am just trying to help sidefx with my suggestions. If Houdini want to grow bigger, then it should have the second option for interface and workflow.
Especially the tree-view will need lots of improvements (mostly tags).

At least i am trying to help in my way (sure these are only my opinions, and i might be wrong), but it looks like people are Knocking out my ideas without any good rationalization. If people say “that's stupid”, it won't advance the conversation and that will teach nothing… That kind of conversation will also kill the topic. It will also messages that “hi, i am or young… stupid young person…”, and always the first impressions will make you look good or bad.


kind regards, Jumaku

People who want Houdini to change think that they matter as customers, personally i don't think sidefx are willing to scrap an interface that really puts the user at an almost programming level just to get a few extra sales and simpler users onto it. Houdini is a technical software for people who want to create custom systems without writing plugins, not a button push solution. Please go and learn Houdini before coming to a wish list, which is for people who want improvement not design overhauls (Overhauls like the geo engine are much welcomed though). I don't know any professional software that has a difficulty setting, maybe you've been playing to many games.
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Houdini is a technical software for people who want to create custom systems without writing plugins, not a button push solution.

This is one of the things that makes Houdini awesome!
Im not a programmer/coder, but I feel right a home with Houdini. I've felt this way since 2005 with H.8

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Houdini is a technical software for people who want to create custom systems without writing plugins, not a button push solution.

This is one of the things that makes Houdini awesome!
Im not a programmer/coder, but I feel right a home with Houdini. I've felt this way since 2005 with H.8

Gone fishing
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And the fact that when you do want to write plugins for Houdini, you have access to python, and c++, with good documentation and fantastic 3rd party renderer support through correct me if I'm wrong SOHO. In my opinion this is the best support of any 3D package.
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1. Fast fake Global illumination solution
2. Macros for pragmas
3. Multi-Threaded copy sop
4. Improved HDK documentation. Now its weak.
thats all for now
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I have never said that houdini needs plugins or coding support improvements.

I am just saying that i am 100% sure that there could be better way to visualize the basic interface in new way (tag's for example would speed up the animation and modelling process a lot). This would only need little upgrade. And tags would make the original user interface more logical and fast to use, because with tags there wouldn't be too much information on same object tree.

UI improvements would be great deal for new users, and i guess that there are lot of (autodesk users for example) professionals who would like to change they software to other… It is just a quite big step for new users who has used to use maya for example.

This all conversation gives me that image that Houdini people are not welcoming me to their user group (because you are forbidding me to send feature requests because i am new user, really? Why? That's not fair) . In other forums people are saying: that's great idea, that's not bad but it is… hi, welcome to user group… etc… They are more happy people, at least it looks like that. That is interactive conversation, where information goes to two directions and that's why it improves the software to the right direction.

This all sounds like i am wasting my time (here in forums), sorry but i feel like it… so i will try other softwares -> thank you for reading. Maybe i will check sidefx again after few years, good luck for future.

Normally the general discussions are meant for everybody. It should be closed thread if topic is meant for old users only. Just saying.
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I have never said that houdini needs plugins or coding support improvements.

I am just saying that i am 100% sure that there could be better way to visualize the basic interface in new way (tag's for example would speed up the animation and modelling process a lot). This would only need little upgrade. And tags would make the original user interface more logical and fast to use, because with tags there wouldn't be too much information on same object tree.

UI improvements would be great deal for new users, and i guess that there are lot of (autodesk users for example) professionals who would like to change they software to other… It is just a quite big step for new users who has used to use maya for example.

This all conversation gives me that image that Houdini people are not welcoming me to their user group (because you are forbidding me to send feature requests because i am new user, really? Why? That's not fair) . In other forums people are saying: that's great idea, that's not bad but it is… hi, welcome to user group… etc… They are more happy people, at least it looks like that. That is interactive conversation, where information goes to two directions and that's why it improves the software to the right direction.

This all sounds like i am wasting my time (here in forums), sorry but i feel like it… so i will try other softwares -> thank you for reading. Maybe i will check sidefx again after few years, good luck for future.

Normally the general discussions are meant for everybody. It should be closed thread if topic is meant for old users only. Just saying.

hi jumaku ,

i do believe posting here suggestions or wishes on how youd want houdini to be Is a Very Good thing .

and please do not think or judge about the houdini community just reading this thread .

back on topic : i do agree with you to a certain degree .

for special tasks ( not everything / in every context ) there needs to be alternative wokflows , IMHO too .

so i wdnt say to redo its interface . no . i dont know how i could call that , but let say ‘ a layer ’ .. or better ‘ a state ’ .

linear-modeling is without doubt the first thing that comes in my mind .

and when i say ‘ a state ’ the Edit SOP's drag/edit session is a micro-example .

i dont know where in the priority list this thing wd be , but , Yes ! id love to see some of energies of dev team spent on SOP context and more specifically refine modelling nodes and workflow .

in short ; i do not want houdini to be like modo or other specific modelling apps . Never !

just make it so there is no enough excuses to open another app to model something whom components arent going to be procedural . or at least to a certain degree ..

except the things that cannot be seen , nothing is like it seems .
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I would take inspiration from Maxon Cinema 4D's interface and workflow, it's very easy to use and most user friendly 3D-software.
I would take inspiration from Cinema 4D's way to use short keys in modelling process, animation process, and especially way how Cinema 4D's “tree view” show the polygon object inside hypernurbs object and tags which are telling that what simulation tools or weightmapping or vertexpoints the polygonal object includes. All this would increase the modelling and animation speed, a lot.

I think that many people might not be familiar with Cinema 4D so it's probably best to explain it in simple terms without requiring any knowledge of another 3D app.
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The main thing that I'd like to see in Houdini 13 is the OSX viewport getting an on par with the windows; anti-aliaising would be nice, but being able to enable smooth lines, see hdr lighting etc in the viewport would good.

I'm currently installing H11 as the viewport appears to have regressed with regards to things like selection and highlighting (although its been a while so I might well be imagining things).

I understand that this is pre-domininatly due to Apples drivers (no surprises there), but been finding it somewhat frustrating, particularly when modelling stuff.
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jumaku maybe thats maybe something for you just posted last month:
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=26510 [sidefx.com]

direct link website: http://houdinicreationdesk.ipage.com/ [houdinicreationdesk.ipage.com]

my wishes for houdini are more like… where can i sent a technical paper for a feature and is there a central wishlist where also the community can support sesi? because sesi is not autodesk they wont have unlimited resources for developing 1000's of functions for the next release.

my dreams:
what i like to see in houdini is for small studios a complete solution including finishing (editing, color grading) and project management. it sounds a bit sick but i think it can solve some problems in the small studios workflow…..
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I have never said that houdini needs plugins or coding support improvements.

I am just saying that i am 100% sure that there could be better way to visualize the basic interface in new way (tag's for example would speed up the animation and modelling process a lot). This would only need little upgrade. And tags would make the original user interface more logical and fast to use, because with tags there wouldn't be too much information on same object tree.

UI improvements would be great deal for new users, and i guess that there are lot of (autodesk users for example) professionals who would like to change they software to other… It is just a quite big step for new users who has used to use maya for example.

This all conversation gives me that image that Houdini people are not welcoming me to their user group (because you are forbidding me to send feature requests because i am new user, really? Why? That's not fair) . In other forums people are saying: that's great idea, that's not bad but it is… hi, welcome to user group… etc… They are more happy people, at least it looks like that. That is interactive conversation, where information goes to two directions and that's why it improves the software to the right direction.

This all sounds like i am wasting my time (here in forums), sorry but i feel like it… so i will try other softwares -> thank you for reading. Maybe i will check sidefx again after few years, good luck for future.

Normally the general discussions are meant for everybody. It should be closed thread if topic is meant for old users only. Just saying.

Look it's cool to comment on Houdini, and say stuff that needs improving, but go learn it before expecting people to accept such strong opinions, Houdini's a different creature, it's not going to fit you, you're going to have to fit it.
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