Getting erros on installing Apprentice (off line method)

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well, i tried everything and the message says the license were installed.
(3 keys by the way)

but I cant still start Apprentice and it goes to that windows that asks me
to install the licenses again!

By the way, when i finish installing the 3 keys, the license on the Administrator
manager its blank,

(i did all, like write persmiision on the windows folders, etc, etc)

is there any bug related to this?

I am living in a country side, and i cant use internet there (at least at the present time)

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well, after some hours breaking my brains, i finally put a android celular and tethering the internet.

Now its ok, but the off-line method just didnt work!
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Unfortunatly, as I know of…I don´t think you can use the apprentice license version offline, it has to be installed and verified against their site each run of the software as I understand it.

So that is a bummer for you, and you have to either get internet at the countryside, or the real houdini versions, or use something else…or relax and do something completly different

displaced mind
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