Opacity in Fire

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when i create geometry and i use pyro FX to burn it, in same area where the geometry burn fire not good shape that i show you on red area in image
(atish dar atraf jesme sozande shode rad rad ya laye laye hast) i understood with decrease buoyancy lift can solve this problem but the flame height will be low and not rise too much even with increase flame height parameter!

Hmmmm ! :?

I don't have any idea about this :!:

But maybe this can be help you :

1.Change Fuel_Volume parameters in your emitter object (e.g create_fuel_volume -> Noise options)

2. Increase Max Substeps parameter in the pyrosolver (Advanced TAB)

3. Increase Division Size more than before !

I didn't have this problem in my projects :?
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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thanks, with increase max & min substeps problem solved.
you are a master in houdini.
thanks again.
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Ooo ,Really Thanks my friend
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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sorry for my many question!
let's start designing of fire season 2
in this picture i try to create this fire:
how can i shaping up diagram of fire in shader?
this image is from real fire(it's not CG)

Fire.jpg (120.0 KB)

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I was trying to make the Oil Fire as the reference video uploaded but some how I am unable to achieve the desired result .
I am using Advect as mentioned in the discussion above.
#I am missing the Rolling/twirling/swirling effect in the fire as well as in the smoke.
#Also I am unable to control the smoke dissipation and losing the overall shape of my fire which I would like to be something like my reference mov.
I would request to share your expert suggestions what should I be doing or missing in order to achieve the desired result.

Reference.mp4 (1.5 MB)
less Disspation_small.mov (1.1 MB)

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sorry for my many question!
let's start designing of fire season 2
in this picture i try to create this fire:
how can i shaping up diagram of fire in shader?
this image is from real fire(it's not CG)

Take look this tutorial for Digital Tutors ,Maybe it can be help you :
Digital Tutors - Creating Your Own Custom Pyro FX in Houdini
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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Amazing posts here!
Thanks Joker for sharing your knowledge on fire matter, I'm learning a lot from your hip files!
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Diego Grimaldi
Amazing posts here!
Thanks Joker for sharing your knowledge on fire matter, I'm learning a lot from your hip files!

Really thanks my friend
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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i see Digital Tutors - Creating Your Own Custom Pyro FX in Houdini. it's helpful but how can i get smoke exactly on top of fire?because of in houdini seems fire and smoke are blend together when your fire shader is hill shape!

H1.jpg (62.1 KB)

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i see Digital Tutors - Creating Your Own Custom Pyro FX in Houdini. it's helpful but how can i get smoke exactly on top of fire?because of in houdini seems fire and smoke are blend together when your fire shader is hill shape!

Hi ,This is exactly thing that mohitsherman want to done at the his previous posts (Check above posts ).

So I changed a little his project to improve smoke effect on the fire ,and I attached this file after his post ,Maybe it's good for you :?

I don't know what is the best and original solution to do that ,Because I didn't have this idea in my projects and I don't have any Investigate about this ,But one of the simple Idea is to use ramp parameter to fade smoke from Top to bottom of the fire !!! 8)
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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for maya available good tutorial in blend fire and smoke together:
Digital-Tutors - Creating Fire and Smoke using Maya Fluid Effects
it can be a good reference for creating fire and smoke but unfortunately it's for maya.
unfortunately it's difficult to use this tutorial in houdini because maya and houdini have different parameter to make fire and smoke!
thanks again for your help.
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for maya available good tutorial in blend fire and smoke together:
Digital-Tutors - Creating Fire and Smoke using Maya Fluid Effects
it can be a good reference for creating fire and smoke but unfortunately it's for maya.
unfortunately it's difficult to use this tutorial in houdini because maya and houdini have different parameter to make fire and smoke!
thanks again for your help.

Yes ,Exactly :!:
I will check this subject later ,But another way is to render Extra Image Plane for each Fire and Smoke ,Also Render another Image Plane for custom field from Pyro ,Then use this custom Image Plane (for Custom Field) to define area of the Smoke on the Fire :?
https://www.youtube.com/c/sadjadrabiee [www.youtube.com]
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