Vray Dome Camera

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Is there a VRay Dome camera shader for Mantra?
I tried the lens curvature parameter, but it seems like the VRay Dome camera has a different distortion that cannot be expressed with a single curvature coefficient.

Thanks a lot!

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So I looked into the domemaster projection and it's supposedly an azimuthal equidistant projection. I found a formula here to convert from lat/long coordinates to x/y values:

http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/vet/equation/dspostel.htm [lazarus.elte.hu]

q = (PI/2) - latitude
x = q * sin(longitude)
y = q * cos(longitude)

Since x and y are given as a lens shader parameter, I'm interested in the latitude and longitude and thus I want to reverse this formula. However I get stuck when I want to solve for latitude or longitude because it always requires the other angle. Any ideas?
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So I looked into the domemaster projection and it's supposedly an azimuthal equidistant projection. I found a formula here to convert from lat/long coordinates to x/y values:

http://lazarus.elte.hu/~guszlev/vet/equation/dspostel.htm [lazarus.elte.hu]

q = (PI/2) - latitude
x = q * sin(longitude)
y = q * cos(longitude)

Since x and y are given as a lens shader parameter, I'm interested in the latitude and longitude and thus I want to reverse this formula. However I get stuck when I want to solve for latitude or longitude because it always requires the other angle. Any ideas?

It should be pretty straightforward to write a lens shader then:

http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini13.0/props/mantra#lensshader [sidefx.com]

In SHOPs, you can put down an ASAD Lens shader, and look at the code in the type properties. Create a new lens shader, then choose the “Lens Shader” projection in the camera object.
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Joined: 4月 2013
i am looking for a really nice dome lens shader too.

but for me it will be not pretty straightforward to do it.

any help will be welcome ^^
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