Advec cloth by flip motion (Flip/Cloth interaction)

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Joined: 7月 2013
Hello guys!

Im trying to make a cloth react to flip fluid on a beach(the cloth is on ground)…making cloth sim be afected by fluid motion as forces.

the cloth (FEM) and flipsolver are on same DOP.

i turn FEEDBACK to 1 on flipsolver, but not working. (its not easy like RBD right?)

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
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Oh, fluidforce solves the question!
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Joined: 7月 2013
Oh.. there's another problem now, the fluidforce worked, cloth reacts to fluid motion, but now i cant use the cloth as collider on fluid…
is FEM working with flip?

even if i use a trick… i re-import cloth from other SOP (with obj merge from simulated) as a collider, if i check “use deforming geo” the object deforms with “double” deformations like crazy… and if i check “ignore merge relationships”not deforms, but it not collide anymore…

may i missing something here?
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