Constant crashes on OSX 10.10.1. Unable to use Houdini :(

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but after i began starting H from the Houdini Terminal i haven't crashed once.

I take back what i said before. Tried to do some modeling but i'm just crashing all the time. (Antialias Samples' is ‘Off’)

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I stopped crashing when I moved from 10.9.4 -> 10.9.5.

I was getting system lock ups and my 2nd monitor going red. A severe graphics issue. I am stable now. I was told by SESI to go to OSX 10.10 if possible. But sounds like ppl are having issues there too (don't know if its Nvidia specific). In theory my setup is certified for H14.

I still see artifacts in the UV viewport if I uses vertical split view.

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I believe the next daily build, 14.0.223, should fix most of the Mac/nVidia crashes (the ones with stack traces that show crashing in “RE_OGLBuffer::setData”). I say fix, but I really mean side-stepped what I'm pretty sure is a bug in the driver. Anyway, I'd really appreciate if anyone having these problems could download and bang on this next build. Fingers crossed!

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H14.0.223 appears very stable but there are some interface glitches and the viewport may not always update, i.e. placing a box it might not appear or selecting a point and editing it, the box may dissappear.

Interface glitches submitted as ID=66488

OsX 10.10.1, Gtx 980, Nvidia web drivers 343.02.01f01

Gtx errors.png (53.9 KB)

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I just wanted to add my setup to the list:

System Specs:
OSX 10.9.5. Late 2011 MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz, Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB.

Viewport point selections does not work. If I create a grid, box select the top left point, I get a random selection of points on the grid. Same occurs for primitive selections. Switching to “vertices” selection crashes Houdini. Edges works though…
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I have Houdini Indie and it crashes constantly. At first I thought it's only my problem and maybe I am doing something wrong, because I am just learning, but it starts to get really irritating..

Will try the daily build.
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Sorry to report, I am experiencing crashes on the new daily build 14.0.224 as well. Cannot Open files without crashing, have to Merge.

Sometimes the Save As… screen gets graphical errors like the one in the picture here before.

Now it have crashed several times between Render and Scene view.
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Forum postings may be cathartic but without crash reports it ‘didn’t happen'

Crash reports should be saved in your /tmp/ directory.

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They should, some do. But these crashes freeze Houdini and there are no files saved when it happens, at least not that I know of.

Crashed several times yesterday, I can only find a crashed log in /tmp from the 23'rd.

Here is [] at least. :-)

There is a .hiplc file saved from the yesterday crash. But don't wan't to give my project out in the forums. Is there a way to get a log from it?
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Yep - no need to post crashes/project files on the forums - just send them to the Submit Bugs in the Support menu above.

The main goal is to have repeatable simple projects that cause crashes - then the devs can test the steps to see if their workarounds fix the problems.
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I do notice that H14 on OSX 10.9.4 is remarkably slow when doing anything with volumes , to the point my machine locks up . Doing the same actions in h13 , theres no pause / lock up . Not quite sure yet what I will file this under.

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Yep - 10.9.4 is bad news for OpenCL and OpenGL- as the drivers are better in Yosemite I ditched those as soon as the Yosemite development beta appeared
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I must admit I am *Not* impressed at all with the H14 release for OSX. Its making me begin to wonder if anyone actually did any hard core beta testing on this platform.

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Unfortunately Apple's Pro development is currently below standard - for example Resolve DaVinci cannot be run on Yosemite currently - users have to switch to Windows as the OpenCL causes corrupt frames. []
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Maybe we should change this thread to a general OSX theme


I note that it seems impossible to get normal's to display via a attribute wrangle @N = set(0,1,0); on a simple grid. Works fine on linux.

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More stable is good. The garbled UI I am able to reproduce, but not regularly. I'll look into it. Hopefully it is a side effect of the crash fix that I can address.

The one crash log that got posted did not crash in the OpenGL driver. Looks like a real Houdini bug, so please submit a bug with the crash log and a hip file. If Houdini freezes, this is actually one spot where I really like OSX - open the activity monitor, click on the Houdini process, and from the gear drop down menu near the upper left corner of the activity monitor, choose “Sample Process”. This will generate a log of what Houdini is doing. Send that in lieu of a crash log, and just say in the bug that Houdini hung instead of crashing.

@circusmonkey, does point normal display never work for you? Or is it something specific to the grid/attribwrangle? That setup worked fine for me, but I have a 650M. I'll do some checking to see if there are any known issues with the GT330M (that's the card you have, right?)

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@itrlix, AMD cards had lots of selection issues during the beta. I thought we had caught them all, but I guess not. Could you please submit a bug report?

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Sometimes we get lucky and an OSX update resolves some of them.

Updating to the new OsX 10.10.2 & Nvidia Web Driver 343.02.02b04, running the pre-nVidia fix H 14.0.220 seems to fix the previous crash of torus and vdb to polygons with some light testing.

Gtx 980

Edit: though Bug ID: 66431 crashes in H 14.0.220 and his fixed in Houdini 14.0.226
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H14.0.244 > This build no longer crashes when use vdb to polygons

Ref the normal display , it fails with the wrangle sop / point sop / facet sop.
Drop a default grid > headlight only lighting > top the grid remains black and the underside lit . Try using a paint SOP on a default grid and the colour will only show on the underside.

@mtucker , yup that's my card as per the details in the sig. Ive been making a few test scene on a linux box just so I know that things should work.

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Just a quick warning: If you think Yosemite upgrade 10.10.2 might fix things, I cannot get past license check now. The license server doesn't work somehow (PS. I have notified support).
Houdini Indie 18
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