copy onto and scale relative to poly size

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Hey, I got the copy to polygons instead of points solved (with divide and compute dual) but now I need to scale my copies relatively to the poly.. area.. bbox.. oriented.. argh
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Hi, thats an interesting riddle, and I would like to know too how this could be achieved. Also I'm a big time noob here.

I managed to get geo copied onto primitives but not the points with your method so that the copied meshes change the direction. They orient, but not that much. Don't know how you can tell them to do better
About the size I have no idea, sorry. Maybe with a copy stamp method, but so far, I'm at learning…

Here is what I got so far: []
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What about something like this. First I split the grid into two grids so we clearly have two different grid areas. Then merge them together. Add a Measure SOP which adds an area attribute to the primitives. After that we need to promote(convert) the area attribute from the primitive column into the points column so the CopySOP can reference it. The help card tells us Copy can only reference point based attributes. Activate stamping and create a variable called myArea that references the $AREA attribute. After that you revisit the Transform node for the source geometry and scale the geometry using a stamp function referencing the variable we just created.

Now the houses in the larger grid area are taller than the houses in the smaller grid area.

houses_on_polies.hipnc (81.8 KB)
Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 3.34.13 PM.png (606.0 KB)

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