Looping sprites

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Hi guys,
I'm new here, and to houdini. I have a particle sop that is producing sprites and these are textures from a shop VEX layered material. I want the pictures on the sprites to cycle, and to start at a different picture, but I can't seem to get it to work, i can do this in Maya no problem, just a new learning curve.

Also how do u concatinate strings in houdini?

Cheers guys

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You can override parameters for a shader with attribute values on the geometry. For example, the name of the base texture map is “map_base” (for the VEX layered surface SHOP), so all you have to do is create a string attribute with that name and set it to be whatever texture map you want to use. You'll want this attribute on the sprite primitives.

Note that if you're using the sprite procedural, you'll want to add the attribute to the points instead, and pass that attribute to the procedural which will handle the up-conversion of the attribute. You'll have to specify which attributes the sprite procedural should do this for explicitly (easily done with the dialog for the procedural or the -A option to the sprite procedural).

In Houdini, you can use the strcat(str1, str2) function to concatenate strings, though str1+str2 will also work.
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thanks m8

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Also, you should be able to use some form of modulus expression in the string parameter of the shader. I have seen this done before for various effects.
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1) in your points add an attribute
2)in the shader add the sprite procedural and add that attribute (i think is the 3line)
3) now that parameter is accesible inside the shader.
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