How to put the Enviroment Light samples into the indirect

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I was wondering if it's possible to get the lighting contribution from the Environment Light into the Indirect rather than the Direct for better compositing purposes.

I tried switching the “Rendering Mode” but it didn't add the samples in the Indirect.

Any ideas?

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If you switch the “rendering mode” your env light is going to act like an emissive object according to the manual, so you are going to get a indirect contribution light it is not going to show on direct or indirect image planes you are going only to see it on the “indirect_emission” plane.

Generally I use 2 Environment lights one for direct and one for indirect light, it works well for me.

According to the manual:

"The environment will contribute to the scene indirectly for shaders that trace rays that exit the scene. This mode is supported through the resolvemissedray VEX function, which can be used in shaders to query the background illumination for a given ray. Ray Tracing Background mode is supported for the following scenarios:
PBR rendering (either micropolygon or raytracing)
Non-PBR rendering when using the Surface Model VOP
In this mode, deep rasters from the environment light will appear in the “indirect_emission” export plane rather than the per-light diffuse/reflect/refract planes. This will occur because the light is treated like an emissive background object rather than as a true light source.

I hope that helps. []
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I changed the environment light to “Raytracing Background” and added the word “emission” to the Export Components field.

In the Render View display, a direct-emission and indirect emission component were created, but the render is black.

Is there another checkbox somewhere I'm mission to include emission?
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i think you might need to explicitly add an image plane called “indirect_emission”. it's not a “standard” lighting tag that works via the export planes option.
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I'll have to run a frame test to see if that will equal the beauty, but it seems to have worked!

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