I have several question to you guys, who comes from 3ds max and
Please, test your self. And decide for yourself, to use mantra(and houdini) or not.OK? Here some questions , it's just a few examples, and sorry for my English
1.Do you know what
REYES algorithm is, and what is the core difference between micro - polygonal renderer and renderer based on raytracing?
What is pixel sampling? Filtering? How it works?
2.Do you know what exactly happens under the hood, when you push render button in your favorite 3d software?What happens with your geometry, shaders, etc., how all of this become a image with pixels?
3.Can you render 2k++ with full motion blur, dof, hairs and displacement?
4.Can you quickly make ANY shader, for ANY purpose you need? For example a shader for changing color or displacement in collision points for your RBD simulation? Or shader for coloring hairs within fluids? And all of this right here, in houdini, without any plugins?
5. Can you export ANY render pass for compositing? Not only that, which are given by developers.
6. Can you render geometry as points? Use rendertime polygon subdivisions ? Geometry shaders? Can you use something like .rat textures, without any resolution limit use benefits of MIP maps?
7. The simplest ever task. Can you render a simple curve witch thickness increases over the length and color changing accordingly.Ok, 100 of those curves with different colors?
8.Can you render millions of particles, right from your package, without
any “Krakatoa” and etc.
9. Do you know what is the “shading language”? Like
VEX, or
RSL. What is the difference between shaders in C/C++ for your 3d package ,and shader in VEX for mantra? Or RSL for PRman.
10. And finally , ask your self: “ Maybe i should go and learn some fundamentals of 3d, and not trolling houdini forum about slow renderer” Because
houdini IS the fundamentals of 3d.
And when you can answer “YES” for 9 of 10 question, you will probably choose mantra, for all your rendering work (except architectural visualization).