Houdini Indie experience

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Joined: 3月 2006
Hi all,

I am a solo dev working with unity3d. I plan to create a small game using low poly art. Looking something like “the flame in the flood” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNm0u_XxHJ4). [youtube.com]
The possibility to create stuff procedurally appeals a lot to me, as I am working alone. However just as important is how well the art pipeline works.
So my questions are these:
- Using Unity 5.4 and Houdini engine, is the art pipeline working without issues?
- What about using fbx only? Does this work well?
- Do you use Houdini also for modeling and character animation? If so, how well does this work? What other tools do you use in conjunction with houdini?
- What are the benefits vs disadvantages of using Houdini for you?
Generally I am interested to read about your experience with Houdini Indie and would appreciate if you could share a bit.

Thanks a lot!
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Joined: 6月 2006
it's CG nothing is 100% perfect :-)

it's always a requirement thing and what you know! houdini is a tool if you know it good then you can do impressiv stuff.
when you have done some tutorials and you find yourself comfortable then it makes sens to buy houdini indie or just buy it…. it has a fair price. :-)

there is one guy on facebook that post some videos how he made procedural low poly models: https://www.facebook.com/dneproman.klimenko [facebook.com]

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