multiple instance nodes

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If I have multiple instance nodes in my HDA, it seems like i can only bring in geometry from my project for the first node. There is no box for the additional nodes. why? is there a way around this?

Also, in unity, i can click on the instanced geometry and move it around or delete it. This doesn't seem to work in Unreal, and it is making me sad. Am I missing something?

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You can use one instance node and set the attributes for instancing different meshes to different points.

For Unreal when you bake to blueprints, you get instanced static mesh nodes with a list of placements. There technically you could edit the values manually. As far as I know there is no easy way to interact with it, but you can fix something in blueprints/C++. For example blutilities allow you to execute commands with blueprints in the editor (while you create the game and not at runtime).
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ok, i will have to learn about blueprints/blutilities (i am new to using Unreal)

is there a way to paint attributes from unreal editor?

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I think you can paint vertices with RGB.
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ok, i will have to learn about blueprints/blutilities (i am new to using Unreal)

is there a way to paint attributes from unreal editor?

No way to paint generic attributes right now but we're working on that.
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