No collision between Cloth and Solid object

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I've been looking for answers for days about that issue but I can't find anything anywhere on that matter. I don't have any collision happening between a cloth object and a solid object but they are both on the same finite element solver, so why doesn't it work ?
I asked a friend of mine to try and it's the same, he can't have collisions between a solid and a cloth object. Does something changed in v15 ? I've watched tutorials on cloth but they were on v13 so the solver was a bit different and I didn't find any tutorial on cloth for v15.
On a forum a member shared a file that was supposed to work but it didn't, the piece of cloth went straight through the solid, no collision.

Does somebody have information about that issue or do I have to add some node to enable the collision ?

Thank you,
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If you can, post your HIP file or an example file that demonstrates the problem.

Have you inspected the collisions meshes? Most problems are because the collision representation of the actual geometry has holes in it, thus not colliding.
Edited by Enivob - 2016年7月2日 22:54:51
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Hi Enivob,

To demonstrate the problem I've created a new scene with just a grid, a sphere and a groundplane. The sphere is a solid and the grid is a cloth object. I verified the thickness and everything seems good, but as you can see on the screenshot the cloth object doesn't collide with the sphere.

Edited by Robertochico - 2016年7月3日 08:04:09

ClothSolid_noCollision.hipnc (188.4 KB)

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A FEM Solid won't interact with a cloth just using shelf tools.

That is the nature of the system as it stands at version 15.5. If you want your cloth to interact with the sphere don't define the sphere as a Solid object, define it as a Rigid Body Collider.

Edited by Enivob - 2016年7月3日 09:29:33

ap_ClothSolid_noCollision.hipnc.hiplc (285.2 KB)
Untitled-2.jpg (158.9 KB)

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The sphere was a bad example because in my real scene it's not a sphere but a structure. And that structure is a solid because it's deformed by another solid and breaks.

I know that the rigid body collider works fine with cloth object but I need the collider to be deformed and even fractured and the solid approach worked very well in that case for my simulation, except the cloth doesn't collide with the solid.

What I truly don't understand is why the cloth won't collide with the solid object. It's in the same solver ! It should definitely work, no ?

If my structure was only deforming I could use it as a cloth object with a high stiffness, I've already tried it and it works fine but then I can't fracture it like a solid with tethrahedrons.

And I watched a tutorial in which it worked, it was in H14. So it worked in H14 but in the new version 15 of Houdini, supposedly better, it doesn't work anymore ? Really ? I don't understand…

Sorry if I sound bitter, but I tried things for a week and nothing works really well so I'm tired. Such a simple task shouldn't need that much struggle…
Edited by Robertochico - 2016年7月3日 10:49:58

Cubo_01a.hipnc (188.0 KB)

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Maybe I could use a cloth object for the structure, even use the fracturing (it works but doesn't give me faces for the inside of the fractured parts) and transpose it to the real fractured structure with clothcapture and clothdeform. I will try something like that.
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I realized the .obj object was missing in the file so I replaced it with a box.

Cubo_01b.hipnc (198.6 KB)

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You can do this in passes. For instance use a ROP Output Driver to export the Cubo as a sequence. Then bring that sequence back in as a Rigid Collider for the cloth. Make sure to set the static object to Use Deforming Geometry and up the volume based Uniform Divisions.

Untitled-4.jpg (46.9 KB)

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I just watched this tutorial that shows the benefits of using a solid object as a cloth collider. Been pulling my hair out trying to make it work in Houdini 15.5! Glad I'm not losing my mind.

Starting around 8:30 in… []
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I'm struggling with the same issue here.
Is this a (confirmed) bug or by design? Especially since this worked in older versions.
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