HDA to Actor Blueprint data

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Joined: 8月 2011
hi, so, now that we can instance Blueprints, i'm wondering is there a way to pass initial conditions data to the Blueprint from the asset?

Right now i have a couple of blueprints that are doing practically the same thing with minor changes (like moving a different way or a different color, etc). Unfortunately, i can't think of a way to do anything except for instance a whole new blueprint for each minor change, and that can't possibly be efficient.
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If you have many identical meshes, you should use instance Blueprints. If you have many different meshes, your best choice would be to bake to individual static meshes.
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194 posts
Joined: 8月 2011
well, what i mean is, if i have a bunch of blueprints with public variables, I'm wondering if there is a way i can set the public variables from my houdini asset when i instance them.

I'm guessing there isn't since blueprint instancing is a new feature, but it would be nice if there were a way that I could have a specially named attribute to set a public variable on an instanced blueprint.
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Ah yes, we discussed this and decided it was probably the first thing people will want to do. (Setting initial state on the instanced actors). It's on our todo list. In the meantime I think you're right that you need different BPs. If you subclass a blueprint and just change some variables, it should have pretty low overhead because it will be a data-only blueprint. But of course it's not ideal to clutter up the project with BPs.
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Joined: 8月 2011
awesome, thanks, y'all rock! that is gonna be incredibly powerful!

For now, I will use the subclass method you mentioned.
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3 posts
Joined: 12月 2018
Bump, has anything changed is this area? We very much want to take data from Houdini(ideally via the Engine plugin from an HDA), and feed that in as initial values of a blueprint.

Any suggestions? successes?
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Joined: 10月 2018
I need to do the same thing!

e.g. I got a blueprint XY with a float uproperty “health”.
In Houdini I create points with an unreal_instance attribute to the blueprint XY -> all good.
Now i wanna set the blueprint's property “health” to a specific value.
Seems like unreal_uproperty_health would only work on static meshes generated by Houdini. Is there a way to set properties on instanced blueprints? Does the UE4 Engine Plugin support this?

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