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Joined: 12月 2016
Hey guys im very new at this and was wondering if you guys could help me out please respond answers in a way that i will be able to understand as im really new to houdini i wont even know most of the keywords lol so basically in my first screenshot you can see that all of the boxes have red dashes in them how do i get rid of this. In my second screenshot i have a Null called “RENDER” with a blue tag next to it but its not showing anything ?? how do i deal with this thanks

Screen Shot 2017-01-01 at 19.02.14.png (84.8 KB)
Screen Shot 2017-01-01 at 19.02.21.png (1.5 MB)

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Joined: 3月 2012
The red stripes on a node mean that there was an error when cooking the node. You can see what the error is by pressing and holding the middle mouse button (MMB) on the highest errored node up the chain, (e.g. probably “box1” in this case). The ones lower down will just report that their input errored-out. What error does the “box1” node report?
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