Why do I have such a problem re-selecting with and edit SOP?

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I thought I was plagued with this problem with the beta version and it turns out 7 behaves like that sometimes also. All I'm trying to do is edit geometry, re-select and edit, and over and over. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I believe I have the right thing selected in the selection stow away bar. The bottom instruction says something like left mouse select to marquee select, middle mouse to add select, and right mouse to execute selection.

If this is a known bug in Houdini I don't see how anyone can even model with this. Sorry for the rant.
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There is a button in the stowbar to the left of the viewer labeled “secure selection”. Turn that off and you can reselect and continue editing.
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hehe secure selection gets 'em everytime

also when you first open houdini you wont be able to select anything even if you click on a suitable SOP e.g. Edit SOP, i find i need to lay down e.g. another edit sop to be able to select anything. theres probably a more effiecient (or more correct) way but that works.
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Let me rephrase my problem. I can select properly with my left and middle mouse button. However I cannot complete a selection with the right mouse button.

The transform handle will not show up and the right mouse button does absolutely nothing.
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Reread the instructions you quoted in your first post. It tells you what the right mouse button is for.

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Seems like he knows what the right mouse button is for, it's just not working as advertised.

I've definitely had this problem before, however it's never been reproducable and so is very hard to track down.
The first thing I would try is to put down another edit SOP (lock the current one and reselect the geometry), perhaps something's gone a little wonky with the one you're using.

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Like Marc said, it is very hard to reproduce & track down. However, the workaround is simple: hit Tab twice in the viewport and you should be able to right-click and complete your operation.

SESI should have a contest to see who can reproduce this bug consistently so they can fix it!

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Actually, I have been running into certain selection issues every now and then since version 5 even with the secured selection turned off. Trouble is, I can't reproduce this exactly. When it happens, all that I can do was just restart Houdini and the problem goes away. Certainly annoying. Now, I don't know if what I am experiencing is the same problem described above…
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Ok thanks Steve it seems to work after I hit tab twice. I do hate hitting more keystrokes than necessary. But for now I can continue. Thanks for everyone's help and patience.
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But please try to figure out how to reproduce it if you can…
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I notice this happens also when in edit mode during a SOP operation when you try to go to navigation with spacebar+mouse. The bottom info will give you the the keystrokes for pan, dolly, tumble but you can't do so unless you hit tab twice.
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I've hit this many times.. been trying to reproduce it in a predictable manner (without success). It seems to happen when user is selecting geometry and tumbling the viewport with spacebar. Once in a while the context menu from right mouse click will also get ‘stuck’ on screen. As stevenong said hiting tab twice is the only way to refresh the viewport.
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We've got this happening on 6 out of 8 machines. Almost identical setups on all machines, been trying for the last week to figure out what's happening. This happens in both apprentice 7 and the beta for 8. After using the tab workaround for awhile, the viewport operations seem to degrade and in the end the menus will not work at all.

It's reproducable to some extent here,… start houdini, go to sops, add some geometry, slap an edit sop and start pulling vertices / tumbling the viewport / shifting views with space + 1,2,3,4 and the viewport starts behaving bad. What helps for awhile, is to go to quads (space+t) and select another viewport and work there, but after awhile it starts happening on that one too, so space+t and try another untill they are all giving the problem….then restart

Slack 10.1 + kernel 2.6.12/13 + dropline gnome + nvidia 1.0-767 + wacom-0.6.8



Ps. Maybe it's not even a houdini bug, maybe it's how X / wacom / etc is setup… any ideas are welcomed… kinda desperate to get this resolved..
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We've been to reproduce this here and we hope to fix it soon.
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This little bug has been bugging me for ages (pun kinda intended). Anyway I've tried to figure out how to reproduce and have never figured it out… (watched pot never boils)

Care to share on what happens or how to do it? Curiosity is killing me.
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It's very reproducable here… Basicaly everyone has it. I think it has to do with the wacoms tho, as the machines that has only a mouse, do not display these problems (same software setup on all).

Another way this problem appears is if you want to adjust your pivot, then it's impossible to select a choice on the pivot menu, as if the left click is not registred at all. The menu just sticks and wont go away. Escape is the only thing removing it.

I just tried working in houdini with a mouse, and after 3 minutes encountered the problem. This workstation has the wacom plugged in tho, and xorg.conf loads the wacom driver… Anyway… maybe that info helps, maybe not

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I don't have a Wacom or drivers installed in both my machines and I still have this problem.
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Well I bought a new ATI all in wonder card and added 2 gigs of memory and the problem still persist.
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Yep - “me too”.

I've experienced this a lot, for many versions of Houdini, and always thought it was from going back and forth between “doing stuff” in the Viewport and then “doing other stuff” in the (old skool) Network View.

Drives me crazy. I liked Houdini before it had these transient states (in the old days every operation was “atomic”, you didn't ever get into this “half done” mode where you had to click RMB to complete, or whatever).

It happens with a plain mouse.

I've even had cases where hitting “s” won't put me into transform/select mode. No, it's not CAPS LOCK. And hitting ESC is kinda scarey because i'm not sure i'll be able to get back to selecting geometry, even by pressing back-tick. Err? Press Enter. Oh dear. Where am I up to?

I don't think this is a secure selection problem - this is about pressing RMB and nothing happening, despite the geom being selected. It's hard to reproduce alright, but it seems like other people are saying they're seeing it too.

Phew. That rant's been stored up a long long time. I thought it was just me. Heh. Maybe it is.

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I've had every problem you described. Also sometimes the hotkeys don't work. (I am a hotkey freak of nature) :twisted: I don't remember this problem occuring in 5 although I didn't use 5.5, 6, or much of 7.
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