Instancing and instance point attribute fail

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I can't get the Instance Object operator to work with Maya using point “instance” attributes.
Strangely, not only my nodes fail, but all the example ones I can find (such as “simple_instance” or “curve_decorator”) posted on this forum fail to create instances in maya as well.
Maya does show instances when the Instance Object is specified but not using the instance string path attribute.
I've tried Maya 2016 and 2017 with Houdini Engine 3.0 (API 57).

Interesting, if I choose Debugging/View Assets in Houdini, the instances show-up correctly inside Houdini.

Anyone see anything like this? Is there some step I'm missing? Other (non-instancing) hda's work fine.

BTW, here is the simple_instance example from the forums that doesn't work for me: []

Could something have changed/broken since then?
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Joined: 7月 2007
SOLVED! Last ditch thing I just tried was the latest version 16.0.592.
It works now! Hooray! I see instanced stuff in Maya 2016!
Thanks for the fix!
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Yup, this was a bug that was fixed in 16.0.589. Updating to the latest build was the right solution!
Andrew / アンドリュー
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