import points to pop

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I am currently trying to get a fixed number of points into pops as particles. I thought about something like this:

- create geometry in sop.
- use scatter sop
- append pop network to scatter sop
- use the scattered points as fixed number of particles in a pop network.

The problem is I do not know how to import the points into pops. Perhaps someone can help me there.

Thank you very much and have fun trying out Version 11. I think it's great!!! Keep on the good work, SESI.
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Something like this?

pop_points_from_geo.hipnc (45.6 KB)

Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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Yes, this is perfect.

Thank you very much!
What I don't get though is that the npoints expression returns the number of points (so, an integer, right?) Where are the point positions coming from?
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Yes the npoints() is returning the number of points coming into the first input of the POP Network. The positions come from the fact that by default the Source POP uses “Points (ordered)” as the method. This gives them the position of the source point.

From the help: Points (ordered) - Emit particles from each point in the source geometry, in order.
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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This is Awesome but you know how can I made the same thing in Houdini 16 Graham?
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