Cloth Solver in a Multi-Solver Issues

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I'm having trouble with getting multiple pieces of cloth colliding properly.

I have a setup where I have a cloth object fed into a multi solver with a cloth solver and a sopsolver added in as well. For the single piece this works perfectly. If I try to duplicate the setup and merge the 2 multi solver outputs I don't get the correct collisions between the pieces of cloth.

I've attached an image of the network setup. It would be great to get some advice on getting the collisions working properly. I've barely used the multi solver before (in tandem with the sop solver) so I'm in unknown territory.


network1.JPG (60.1 KB)

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Can you post your HIP file here?
Edited by Nima - 2017年11月30日 07:46:13
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Will do, I'll have to scale it back a bit and simplify it first (it's a mess currently)
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Use one multi solver working on all of the cloth, this is the only way they can interact. Using a separate solver for each treats them as isolated simulations.
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jsmack, do you mean feed in the 3 cloth objects into a merge then into the object port for a single multi-solver?

I did this before however then my sop solvers didn't want to work with their defined cloth object. The first sop solver was affecting all the cloth pieces instead. Anyway to have different sop solvers affect the objects from the merge separately or does it see it as one because it is coming through a merge node?
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