UE4 4.19

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Just want to install plugin, downloaded from github but it says that is missing a module, any suggestions?
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Edited by kimba23 - 2018年3月20日 12:32:55
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It looks like Houdini 16.5.413 and later have support for Unreal 4.19. You can download a recent daily build at https://www.sidefx.com/download/daily-builds/ [www.sidefx.com] I think we didn't get Unreal 4.19 until everyone else did, so we couldn't add support in advance, (though I'm not directly involved in that area, so I don't know specifics). I'm not sure what's involved with updating the github, but I'm sure it'll be done eventually. I'll ask around.

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It looks like Houdini 16.5.413 and later have support for Unreal 4.19. You can download a recent daily build at https://www.sidefx.com/download/daily-builds/ [www.sidefx.com] I think we didn't get Unreal 4.19 until everyone else did, so we couldn't add support in advance, (though I'm not directly involved in that area, so I don't know specifics). I'm not sure what's involved with updating the github, but I'm sure it'll be done eventually. I'll ask around.

BTW first Post!

Grabbed the latest daily build but the windows installer only has an option for 4.18 so I tried manually installing it but it complains about incompatibility.
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Sorry, I was wrong. There've apparently been some problems, and it'll probably be a few days before they can be fixed. I'm not familiar with the problems or the Unreal plugin, though, so don't quote me on it.
Writing code for fun and profit since... 2005? Wow, I'm getting old.
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Sorry, I was wrong. There've apparently been some problems, and it'll probably be a few days before they can be fixed. I'm not familiar with the problems or the Unreal plugin, though, so don't quote me on it.

Thanks for the update!
Simon van de Lagemaat
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4.19 was causing issues with our build machines so it had to be taken off 16.5. I'll fix this ASAP next week when I'm back from GDC.

Meanwhile, the 4.19 plugin is available on GitHub. Not sure about that missing module error, it should build and run with no issues.

I'll post an update here once the 4.19 plugin is back in the daily builds.
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Yes, I could not get the github to compile on 4.19

Let us know when thw update comes through

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The 4.19 plugin should be is back in today's daily build (16.5.424).
Edited by dpernuit - 2018年3月27日 10:35:39
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Ok I installed 4.24 and indeed it has the unreal plugin for 4.19.. but an HDA asset that works fine on 4.18 crashes when imported to 4.19… anyway i can help to debug this?
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Please send me the HDA in question so I can debug this, either via the forum or you can also create a bug.
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Yes it is straight up from the houdini fundations gdc 2018, i just started learning houdini
Edited by kimba23 - 2018年3月27日 14:54:42

Lesson_randomboxes.hda (11.5 KB)

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Ok, just tested it on my side, and that asset doesn't crash for me.
It would have been surprising since it's coming from the Houdini Fundations…

Do you have any crash log for this?

How did you installed the 4.19 plugin? did you copy it manually from the Houdini/Engine folder to unreal Plugin/Runtime directory? Apparently, it seems that 16.5.424's installer has an issue and doesn't install the 4.19 plugin properly..
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Yes I installed manually on the runtime folder on a fresh ue4 4.19. Where do I find the crash log? sorry not very verse on debugging, I will try it again and see if I get it to work
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Ok yes tried different assets and they all crash on import. Same assets work fine on 4.18
Edited by kimba23 - 2018年3月27日 16:09:04
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Ok did another test, moved the plugin folder and erased binaries and put the folder on a 4.19 plugins folder project. The project is a c++ project, regenerated project files compiled it on VS 2015 without failures… The plugin shows up on the project settings as active… so I am not sure what else to… how do i get you crash report? It crashes as soon as it imports
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The logs should normally be in \Saved\Logs either in the Project folder or the “main” UE4 folder

It also seems like some crash logs are saved in:
( diagnostics.txt, minidump.dmp and ProjectName.log)
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ok so attaching files
Edited by kimba23 - 2018年3月27日 17:15:45

UE4Minidump.dmp (661.4 KB)
houdini419cplus.log (44.6 KB)
CrashReportClient.ini (114 バイト)
CrashContext.runtime-xml (13.6 KB)
houdini419cplus.log (47.8 KB)

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I think I found the issue, it seems to be caused by the assets thumbnails…
It will be fixed in tomorrow's daily build (16.5.425)

I also fixed the installer in tomorrow's daily build, so it will install the 4.19 plug-in properly.
No need to copy the files over anymore.
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Following up, The plugin works on 4.19 on my system, I will report any other issues if they arise.
The installer did not install the plugin… so you know.
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