PDG processor nodes - generic property documentation

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Is there any plans to document the more generic properties in the PDG processor nodes? Would be very handy for newcomers.
For instance, I don't think there is any information what ‘Cook batch when’ is, when ‘All frames in one batch’ is turned on. It really helps to know when you should be setting max threads and frames per batch.
Edited by jameswatt3d - 2019年8月14日 07:45:14

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Thanks for the reminder. There's a limitation with these TOP nodes that are subnets - the tooltips aren't shown for the parms they are being channel referenced by. So if you dive in and look at the ropgeometry1/ropfetch1 , you'll see the tooltips.

The docs for that node is here:
https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/top/ropfetch.html [www.sidefx.com]
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Thanks, thats what I was looking for!
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