Nuclear explosion,can someone help me, pic and file included

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i've updated it again ..check the top post
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what about that funnel that comes down from the base of the top of the mushroom cloud? maybe use a separate sim?

looking good though
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Joined: 7月 2014
Thanks brother..That funnel would be separate simulation..but now i'd have to figure out how to do that …maybe i can play this simulation off as the tail end of a mature nuke after the funnel dissipates so i don't have to add that funnel
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Hey man, been a while. How did this turn out? Would love to see.
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if it isn't too late to chime in, the size of the blast depends on the throw weight of the device and altitude at detonation.
for an 750kt detonated at 3km (air burst) the blast radius would be about 6 km, the fire ball about 1km. the same detonated at 0.5 km or less (ground burst) the blast radius would be around 1.5 km,the fire ball about 1.5 km. don't for get a shock wave which would be about 16km, the cloud would balloon to about 25km

also, if you are going for realism, it being a thermonuclear device, there is a microsecond atomic detonation (fision) to begin the chain reaction for the thermonuclear device (fusion) so you would kinda have two flashes in very rapid succession.
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if it isn't too late to chime in, the size of the blast depends on the throw weight of the device and altitude at detonation.
for an 750kt detonated at 3km (air burst) the blast radius would be about 6 km, the fire ball about 1km. the same detonated at 0.5 km or less (ground burst) the blast radius would be around 1.5 km,the fire ball about 1.5 km. don't for get a shock wave which would be about 16km, the cloud would balloon to about 25km

also, if you are going for realism, it being a thermonuclear device, there is a microsecond atomic detonation (fision) to begin the chain reaction for the thermonuclear device (fusion) so you would kinda have two flashes in very rapid succession.

presume you are either the reincarnation or Einstein or Oppenheimer!? Or just a physics nerd

all hail physics nerds btw. I'm a cosmologist myself! not as useful for Houdini sadly!
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