Can't cook HDA Processor with redshift loaded up.

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I posted this over at the redshift forums and they couldn't replicate it and seemed to think that maybe it's a houdini issue, so here goes…

Any time I cook an HDA processor with redshift loaded it fails with:

terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’
what(): mutex: pthread_mutex_lock failed: Invalid argument

[Redshift] Redshift for Houdini plugin version 2.6.47 (Sep  6 2019 14:50:55)
[Redshift] Plugin compile time HDK version: 17.5.360
[Redshift] Houdini host version: 17.5.360
[Redshift] Plugin dso/dll and config path: /usr/redshift/redshift4houdini/17.5.360/dso
[Redshift] Core data path: /usr/redshift
[Redshift] Local data path: /home/scott/redshift
[Redshift] Procedurals path: /usr/redshift/procedurals
[Redshift] Preferences file path: /home/scott/redshift/preferences.xml
[Redshift] License path: /home/scott/redshift
['/opt/hfs17.5.360/bin/HDAProcessor', '/tmp/houdini_temp/intro_to_PDG_12/pdgtemp/7728', '/mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG', 'hdaprocessor10']
Returned error code -6:

hda name: /mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG/hda/ip_box_variations.hdalc
operatortype: Object/scott_ip_box_variations

Loaded asset from '/mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG/hda/ip_box_variations.hdalc' 
Creating node from operator 'Object/scott_ip_box_variations'

Setting float parm 'color' to: 0.440733, 0.00749147, 0.910976, 0.939269
Setting float parm 'scale' to: 0.97484
Setting float parm 'scale2' to: 0.97484
Shutting down HAPI...
PDG_RESULT: __PDG_DIR__/geo/ : file/geo/test
HAPI shutdown
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  mutex: pthread_mutex_lock failed: Invalid argument

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  mutex: pthread_mutex_lock failed: Invalid argument

If i comment the houdini.env line that loads RS everything works fine.

I tried to run the command line from the log in a shell and the same thing happens:

/opt/hfs17.5.360/bin/HDAProcessor /tmp/houdini_temp/intro_to_PDG_12/pdgtemp/7728 /mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG hdaprocessor10
hda name: /mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG/hda/ip_box_variations.hdalc
operatortype: Object/scott_ip_box_variations

[Redshift] Redshift for Houdini plugin version 2.6.47 (Sep  6 2019 14:50:55)
[Redshift] Plugin compile time HDK version: 17.5.360
[Redshift] Houdini host version: 17.5.360
[Redshift] Plugin dso/dll and config path: /usr/redshift/redshift4houdini/17.5.360/dso
[Redshift] Core data path: /usr/redshift
[Redshift] Local data path: /home/scott/redshift
[Redshift] Procedurals path: /usr/redshift/procedurals
[Redshift] Preferences file path: /home/scott/redshift/preferences.xml
[Redshift] License path: /home/scott/redshift
Loaded asset from '/mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG/hda/ip_box_variations.hdalc' 
Creating node from operator 'Object/scott_ip_box_variations'

Setting float parm 'color' to: 0.440733, 0.00749147, 0.910976, 0.939269
Setting float parm 'scale' to: 0.97484
Setting float parm 'scale2' to: 0.97484
Shutting down HAPI...
PDG_RESULT: __PDG_DIR__/geo/ : file/geo/test
HAPI shutdown
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  mutex: pthread_mutex_lock failed: Invalid argument
Aborted (core dumped)

commenting RS out again and immediately running the command again and it works fine:

/opt/hfs17.5.360/bin/HDAProcessor /tmp/houdini_temp/intro_to_PDG_12/pdgtemp/7728 /mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG hdaprocessor10
hda name: /mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG/hda/ip_box_variations.hdalc
operatortype: Object/scott_ip_box_variations

Loaded asset from '/mnt/MegaStore/CG-Stuff/Houdini/Projects/PDG/intro_to_PDG/hda/ip_box_variations.hdalc' 
Creating node from operator 'Object/scott_ip_box_variations'

Setting float parm 'color' to: 0.440733, 0.00749147, 0.910976, 0.939269
Setting float parm 'scale' to: 0.97484
Setting float parm 'scale2' to: 0.97484
Shutting down HAPI...
PDG_RESULT: __PDG_DIR__/geo/ : file/geo/test
HAPI shutdown

This happens on both a centos 7.6 and Fedora 30 install with Houdini 17.5.360 and the previous three or so versions as well as RS 2.6.47 and 2.6.45.

I'm kinda stuck here. I really need both of these at the same time. Any ideas? My redshift is fully licensed and functions properly in all other regards.

Edit: It looks like the cook actually writes the files, it just reports as failing, which does me no good in Houdini.
Edited by smbell - 2019年9月11日 02:46:05
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Finally, I was able to reproduce this problem here due to a crash on exit on Linux. After some tests, I’ve found a possible workaround that will be included in the next RS 3.0 build to hopefully try to fix this issue.

Computer Graphics Software Developer
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You're the best! Thanks for taking the time to look into it as always.
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