Houdini Python Module Search Path

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Is there a way of identifying the location of a Module imported into Houdini?

I'm contributing my Python modules to my Houdini17.5/python2.7libs folder but have recently discovered Modules with similar names are being loaded before my current Houdini17.5/python2.7libs. I keep all of my old modules around in their relative “deprecated” folders; Houdini17.0/python2.7libs, Houdini16.5/python2.7libs, etc..

Before I cry out “Bug” I wanted to verify which Modules are being loaded before the ones in my current Houdini17.5/python2.7libs folder. Any help identifying the location of these modules is appreciated!

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Joined: 6月 2011
Hi there,

If you know the name of the module, then you can find the path in the python interpreter

>> import hou
>> hou
<module 'hou' from 'C:\Program Files\hfs17.5.386\houdini\python2.7libs\hou.pyc'>

If you want to know the order in which python libraries are getting loaded, then you need to check the PYTHONPATH env variable or sys.path

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