Create new nodes inside HDA using node.createNode()

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I'm wondering if it's at all possible with Houdini Engine in Unity to create nodes dynamically with node.createNode().

I have an object-level HDA, that has a script called from a button press which creates new geometry nodes inside a subnet. That subnet is set to editable in the HDA interface.
The HDA works fine in Houdini, however, if I try to run it from within Unity it won't create any new nodes.

I've attached the HDA in case I've missed anything super obvious.

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you

CreateNodesDigitalAssetTest.hda (13.3 KB)

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Joined: 5月 2017
Sorry this was a bug with the plugin. It will be fixed in the next daily build (Houdini 18.0.365, 17.5.516).
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