PDG Encode Video Throws error.

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Hi I am trying to follow Ari's tutorial

https://vimeo.com/323291527 [vimeo.com]
for generating a side by side montage of some wedged Pyro sim, that i'm trying to test out.
My TOP network seems to work fine except the final node: ffmpegencodevideo.
(see the attached image below)

I am not really sure how to set the correct path on windows, as Ari's version is for MAC, and have tried removing the C:, .exe and also using forward and backslashes.
Do I even need to set the environment file to look at the FFMPEG?

Quite confused on how to set this up correctly, as some use a directory to ffmpeg.exe and there's another example where someone links to ffmpeg inside imagemagick.

image.thumb.png.dd187202c7849d3d43030b456f461f69.png (245.7 KB)

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What is the error? If you double click on the work item, there will be a log that contains the error.

Note that if you have set up the PDG_FFMPEG environment variable, then you do not need to enable the FFmpeg Path parameter on the node.
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ERROR: the framelist file must be located on the same drive as the input images. The location of the framelist file can be changed with the Frame List File parameter.
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Just change the `Frame List File` parameter on the FFmpeg Encode Video node to an exact path, like "D:/HoudiniProjects/PDG_TUTORIAL_FILES/video/$HIPNAME.$OS.`@pdg_index`_framelist.txt".

In my project,`frame list file` and `imput image path` are both in drive D, but the `frame list file` is
"$PDG_TEMP/$HIPNAME.$OS.`@pdg_index`_framelist.txt".It looks wrong so I changed it.Then it worked fine.
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