it’s possible to export a .svg??

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hi all,
i have a question..
I searched but find anything…
perhaps i don’t know how use “search” but i find never nothing..

I created a logo in houdini in 2D
now, i want know if it’s possible to export my path in illustrator?
I read that .svg can make this, but i don’t found .svg.

I tried to export my geometry in dxf, but dxf divide my geometry into small parts et i can’t use this without more and more hours of work..
If someone can help me..

Thank you very much.
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Hey Super, I made one a while back for h11, but I have not used it in a while. it is implemented in python so you can probably just refactor to your needs. Hope it helps!

note that the SVG format is very easy to write to. If you need more info on the specifications, check out (

svgExporter.otl (5.7 KB)

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Entagma made a tutorial on how to export SVG from Houdini with Python.
I am, however, looking for a way to export a sequence.

Houdini Indie 18
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How about this Python library for writing SVGs? []
Edited by Michael Abrahams - 2018年12月17日 18:16:42
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I am, however, looking for a way to export a sequence.

Just put $F4 in the svg filename and hit play. If you're sending off to a farm you'd want to set this up as a Pre-frame Script in a Shell Rop instead of a Python Sop.
Jesse Erickson
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I can make the Entagma Python script create a SVG sequence. But trying to use grayOlorin's otl.
Because that one can have color as well.

Even though I managed to replicate it to export for every frame in a new python node, it then somehow does not output color.
Then I have to use the OTL and that has a button I have to click for every frame, for it to work.

Ps. I'm a pure newb when it comes to Python.

This code together with the right fields:

def exportSVG():

    geo = hou.pwd().geometry()
    node = hou.pwd()

    filename = node.evalParm("location")
    sizeMult = node.evalParm("sizeMult")
    setColor = node.evalParm("setColorFromAttr")
    colorAttr = node.evalParm("colorAttr")
    addStroke = node.evalParm("addStroke")
    strokeColorR = node.evalParm("strokeColorr")
    strokeColorG = node.evalParm("strokeColorg")
    strokeColorB = node.evalParm("strokeColorb")
    strokeThickness = node.evalParm("strokeThickness")

    import xml.dom.minidom as minidom

    svgFile = minidom.Document()

    svgElement = svgFile.createElement("svg")

    # Add code to modify the contents of geo.

    for prim in geo.prims():

        positionString = ""

        for vertex in prim.vertices():

            position = vertex.point().position()
            positionString =  positionString + (str(position[0]*sizeMult) + "," + str(position[1]*sizeMult*-1) + " ")

        #now write to SVG

        polygonElement = svgFile.createElement("polygon")
        polygonElement.setAttribute("points", positionString)

        #Set Fill

        if (setColor == 1):
            color = prim.attribValue(colorAttr)

            red = hou.expandString("`inttohex(round(" + str(color[0]*255) + "))`")
            green = hou.expandString("`inttohex(round(" + str(color[1]*255) + "))`")
            blue = hou.expandString("`inttohex(round(" + str(color[2]*255) + "))`")

            hex = "#" + red[6:8] + green[6:8] + blue[6:8]
            polygonElement.setAttribute("fill", hex)

            polygonElement.setAttribute("fill", "None")

        #Set Stroke

        if (addStroke == 1):

            red = hou.expandString("`inttohex(round(" + str(strokeColorR*255) + "))`")
            green = hou.expandString("`inttohex(round(" + str(strokeColorG*255) + "))`")
            blue = hou.expandString("`inttohex(round(" + str(strokeColorB*255) + "))`")

            hex = "#" + red[6:8] + green[6:8] + blue[6:8]

            polygonElement.setAttribute("stroke", hex)
            polygonElement.setAttribute("stroke-width", str(strokeThickness))


    #print svgFile.toprettyxml(indent="  ")

    #print filename

    newFile = open(hou.expandString(str(filename)),"w")

    newFile.write(svgFile.toprettyxml(indent="  "))

Edited by FakePilot - 2018年12月18日 14:41:54
Houdini Indie 18
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Is it possible to have the SVG export tool to export a sequence of SVGs?
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hi, thank you very much, it's perfect

bests regards
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