Simulating Hair on animated alembic geometry

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I'm having trouble simulating hair on animated alembic geometry.

I import the alembic file and add hair which works fine. However when trying to simulate it, the hair jumps all over the entire body.

I believe this is because I have the hair guides set to Scatter on Surface which means they are slightly changing positions every frame which breaks the sim.

If I set the guides to Guide Per Point everything works well, except I can't control the distribution of the hair with skin attributes.

Does anyone have an idea on how to use a hair sim with animated alembic geometry?

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Hard to tell without a scene file example.
Hair on animated geo needs both a static version of your geo as well as the animated one.
Is this how you have set up your hairdo?
Sidefx just released this master class on hair by the way, where this technique is discussed:

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Yeah, I've got hair appearing on the geo. It's just the sim that seems to be failing.

But I hadn't seen that masterclass yet, so thanks for the link. I'll reply again to this thread if I'm still having problems after the video.
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I've figured my problem out here, so I'll just leave this for future reference.

Importing an animated alembic file and applying hair to it seems to fail at simulation.

I've had to import an exported obj of the first frame of animation as my static mesh.

Then I imported the alembic as the animated geometry.

Applying the hair to the static mesh works, and the simulation will use the animated mesh.
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After some more experimentation with this, I've realized that the simulation as well as the the guide deform or not working properly. Hair is either not sticking accurately to the mesh, or at each frame the hair is getting redistributed around the mesh in slightly different places.

This leads me to think that I've missed something fundamental about either importing an alembic cache or applying hair to an imported alembic cache.

Does anyone have any pointers or know of any tutorials about adding hair to an alembic cache?

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Did you were able to figure it out? I having kind of the same problem.

I'm importing the abc file, creating the hair, but when I groom it, the hair gets floating in the first frame of the timeline .-.

Until a few days ago I got into hair in H, and I'm struggling with this

Any idea would be helpfull!
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Did you were able to figure it out? I having kind of the same problem.

I'm importing the abc file, creating the hair, but when I groom it, the hair gets floating in the first frame of the timeline .-.

Until a few days ago I got into hair in H, and I'm struggling with this :/

Any idea would be helpfull!

Quite late to quote but I was stuck at the similar point i.e. Driving hair by alembic. I transferred the attributes from the guide deform curves to the alembic curves and it worked well.
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Did you were able to figure it out? I having kind of the same problem.

I'm importing the abc file, creating the hair, but when I groom it, the hair gets floating in the first frame of the timeline .-.

Until a few days ago I got into hair in H, and I'm struggling with this :/

Any idea would be helpfull!

Quite late to quote but I was stuck at the similar point i.e. Driving hair by alembic. I transferred the attributes from the guide deform curves to the alembic curves and it worked well.

Hey, thanks for the suggestion. Could you please point me to the right direction here? Not sure how to transfer attributes from the guide deform node to the alembic one
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how you have set up your hairdo? forpc [] []
Edited by saltbayfour - 2021年6月23日 01:57:51
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Did anyone solve this ? I'm trying to run a hair simulation on an animated Alembic file from Blender.

When I use an FBX the hair sim works fine, but as soon as I replace the animated SOP with the Alembic, the hair sim looks weird. As if the hairs are jittered.
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