Renderman 23.2 and Ubuntu 19

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Been fighting for hours trying to figure out why the RM installer wont authenticate. If anyone can provide assistance, it would be greatly appreciated.

I get:
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function CRYPTO_num_locks

when I try to authenticate via the RM Installer.
Houdini Indie
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To anyone else that ever gets in this jam, just copy and to the /bin directory of the RenderManInstaller file and that fixes it.

Edit: So I got it to install, and configured in Houdini.env like it wants too, and the RM License App says my license is valid, but, I get a stupid error when I try to render in Houdini:
Rfh: Could not initialize RenderMan
. Ugh! This is so freakin difficult on Linux.
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Edit: So I got it to install, and configured in Houdini.env like it wants too, and the RM License App says my license is valid, but, I get a stupid error when I try to render in Houdini:
Rfh: Could not initialize RenderMan
. Ugh! This is so freakin difficult on Linux.

Hey Daryl,
i am in the same boat.I managed to install renderman ncr on Xubuntu after many tries.I had to compile the libssl cause even copying the files didn`t work.Now what about the error inside houdini.It seems to be set up correctly.All menus are there but i get this error.Searched the net and could not find any awnswers or any hint where t solve it.
So did you solve it?
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Nope, I asked in every Social Corner I could - no one knew how to get it to work.
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Daryl Dunlap
Nope, I asked in every Social Corner I could - no one knew how to get it to work.

it was solved in some social corners like discord.
For me it was enough to make a symbolic link
sudo locate
sudo locate
sudo ln -s /opt/hfs17.5/dsolib/ /opt/pixar/RenderMan-Installer-ncr-22.6/lib/3rdparty/Qt-5.6.1/lib/
sudo ln -s /opt/hfs17.5/dsolib/ /opt/pixar/RenderMan-Installer-ncr-22.6/lib/3rdparty/Qt-5.6.1/lib/
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but, it looks like that will fix the install, which we've both also already completed.

What's still outstanding, is actually rendering from Houdini on Ubuntu.
Houdini Indie
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So is there at least any person using another distro that had success or rendering in linux is not achievable?at least at the current state of renderman.
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Did anyone find a way to resolve this problem?

Seeing it with H 18.0.532 / Renderman 23.4
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Okay, I think I solved this. The ‘could not initialize’ error is indicative of missing libtinfo5 libraries, which you only find out about if you try to run a supporting app like txmake from the terminal.

Here are the steps I followed to get RenderMan 23.4 running in Houdini 18.0.532 on Pop_OS/Linux:

1) Download and install the Renderman installer rpm. It will be named something sexy like RenderMan-InstallerNCR-23.4.0_2090532-linuxRHEL7_gcc63icc190.x86_64.rpm

2) Installing the rpm file should get you an /opt/pixar/Renderman-Installer-ncr-XX.X directory

3) Before the next steps, you'll need to make sure you have the libraries and in your /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu directory. I think any 1.0.x flavor of these will work (like

4) You need to create two symbolic links in the Renderman-Installer subdirectories to point the installer to those libraries:

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/pixar/RenderMan-Installer-ncr-23.4/lib/3rdparty/Qt-5.6.1/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/pixar/RenderMan-Installer-ncr-23.4/lib/3rdparty/Qt-5.6.1/lib/

Replace the library and Renderman versions with the ones you have/are installing

5) For Pop_OS (and probably other Ubuntu-flavors), I found that you will also need to manually install the shared libraries:

sudo apt-get install libtinfo5

6) That should do it. Jump into the /opt/pixar/RenderMan-Installer-ncr-23.4/bin and get your RenderMan Installer on

Hope this helps!

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Hi everyone anyone got lucky yet?
i posted this on answerhub of renderman: []

after spending almost eternity i got it to work on ubuntu now it won't render

here is a copypaste of the thread above:
​Hi everyone,

Just installed prman-ncr 23.4 on ubuntu 20.04 for houdini 18.0.532
i have three issues:
1. when I fire up the “it”, I get this error:

Couldn't find valid rman in distribution root
2. when i fire up the IPR, i get this error:
RfH: Could not initialize Renderman

3. Inside Solaris:
I see renderman listed in the hydra delegate list, however once i “select” it, viewport reverts to houdini openGL and renderman disappears from the dropdown

my .env file loks like this:

(i got the first 4 lines from here:
(and borrowed the last 2 from here:

PLUS i also get this error while trying to launch the “renderman preset browser”
There is an error in the RenderMan Preset Browser script.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 2, in
File “/opt/pixar/RenderManForHoudini-23.4/18.0.532/python2.7libs/rfh/”, line 38, in
from prman import Version as prman_version
File “/opt/pixar/RenderManProServer-23.4/bin/”, line 45, in
class __private: # simple means to keep locals private
File “/opt/pixar/RenderManProServer-23.4/bin/”, line 70, in __private
libprman = ctypes.CDLL(file, ctypes.RTLD_GLOBAL)
File “/opt/houdini/hfs18.0.532/python/lib/python2.7/ctypes/”, line 366, in __init__
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

PS: i am trying out other renderers as well: namely redshift and Octane
PS: people have noted this here as well: []

thanks a lot for your time, i hope someone knows the solution
Edited by demoan666 - 2020年10月28日 09:03:05
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For anyone else coming across this thread, the "RfH: Could not initialize Renderman" error when IPRing is due to conflicting PRMan and Houdini versions. The libtinfo5 dependency was satisfied but I was still getting this error. I was trying to render in Houdini 18.5.408 with PRMan for an older Houdini 18.5.351. Installing 18.5.351 for use with PRMan got everything working as expected.
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Necropost cause I was fighting with the mentioned error

"RfH: Could not initialize Renderman"
along with
"Failed to save output to file"

Thank you to @master2045 on Renderman discord for the pointer about the missing library libtinfo5, which is fixed in Fedora by installing the ncurses-compat-libspackage.

I never had this issue before in Pop!_OS, but to fix it there just search the library libtinfo5in the Synaptic Package Manager.

Only I've seen this mentioned around the web, was here []
Edited by probiner - 2021年8月24日 22:02:03
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