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Hi Paul,

I just noticed this created in $HIH:


However I'm on Linux so… I'm guessing some Windows-specific code snuck in?

That's created as a single directory. Also given how big that could potentially be, is $HOME/houdini17.5 the best place for it? Why not $TEMP? I could be missing something though.

17.5.253 Linux


Peter B

Peter Bowmar
Houdini 20.5.262 Win 10 Py 3.11
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Hi Paul, thanks for adding a linux version!

I'm having some problems trying to get this new version to run on centos7 and houdini 17.5.128 core, I get an error message after every stage similar to this: Step 01_Camera_Init failed! See log for details!

It writes the folder structure in the av_cache folder, and puts the 6 images (mini treemonster example) in the first folder, and then writes 2 blank log files (init_log.txt, init_errorlog.txt) into each following folder. No errors in the console either.

Tried creating new project/hip name to create a clean cache folder, but same thing happens.

Its up and running just fine on win 10 pro, 17.5.258 indie at home.

Edited by Matt Morris - 2019年6月12日 12:54:45
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Hi, I also get on error on linux (ubuntu)
aliceVision_cameraInit: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open share object file:No such file or directory
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I've been looking into these issues and they don't seem to be Houdini issues. They appear to be some problems with the binaries themselves. Please submit your issue here if possible: []

Paul Ambrosiussen
Technical Artist, Freelance
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I was also getting error about “init_camera failed”. Backed up to version 2.1.0 instead of 2.2.0 and something has changed. But I still have errors. This time it's on step 06_Prepare_Dense_Scene AliceVision…
ERROR: unrecognized option ‘–evCorrection’
ERROR: unrecognized option ‘–computeNormalMaps’
ERROR: unrecognized option ‘–outputMesh’
ERROR: unrecognized option ‘–inputMesh’
ERROR: unrecognized option ‘–useUDIM’

I guess may be that happens because I switched to v 2.1.0 and it doesn't support some features ? But 2.2.0 doesn't work at all.
Edited by maxpayne - 2019年12月15日 01:28:53
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I've been getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "opdef:/labs::Sop/av_photogrammetry::3.0?PythonModule", line 4, in ManualCook
File "opdef:/labs::Sop/av_initialize::3.0?PythonModule", line 71, in cookNode
File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.348/houdini/python2.7libs\", line 11368, in cook
return _hou.Node_cook(*args, **kwargs)
OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Error while cooking.

I've found that if I put in a different project name on the initialize tab, then it runs fine.
running Houdini 18.0.348 with AliceVision 2.2.0
Edited by medendog - 2020年3月22日 23:03:19
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I love this but also get an error when running the av_meshing node

ERROR: unrecognised option "--forceTEdgeDelta"

windows, Houdini 18.5.462 and SideFX labs 18.5.462. The previous nodes (init, analyze, structure, depth) seem to run fine. The issue seems to be in the 09_meshing python call. Same error comes when I use the photogrammetry node. I used 3 input images from Sample Content 1.

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