Regarding the gradient material

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I am trying a material color, bottle mouth is light, the middle is dark, the bottle bottom is light;

I tried synthetic materials and direct gradient colors; but the rame node can only control the left and right gradients, and cannot be changed to vertical Gradient or other angles,

is rame node inappropriate for this situation? I am still confused that the ratio controlled by rame default is completely inconsistent with the color ratio after application. Why is this? I checked the help document, but did not find the answer. I hope someone can help me. thanks!

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Edited by geodhk - 2021年7月31日 08:00:05

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The ramp is expecting a float value but you are plugging in a vector, position, so it is just using the first value, x, for the gradient. To get what I think you want simply add a "vector to float" node between the position and ramp nodes, then you can plug in the y value to the ramp to get a vertical gradient.

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