Furthermore, when querying the database directly via sqlite3 to see if everything's working, I get this error after attempting to add an asset via python:
sqlite3.OperationalError:CouldnotdecodetoUTF-8column'thumbnail'withtext' ╪ α'
Is there a guide on how this should work? Any pointers would definitely be appreciated!
The asset gallery panel may not be updated. I found that Component Output Lop calls hou.qt.AssetGallery().getLocalModel().updateFromSource() after adding an asset
Is the source for this module somewhere? The arguments don't line up with this function signature from $HFS/houdini/python2.7libs/husd/assetutils.py at all, and all 3 arguments are required:
defaddAsset(asset_file_or_dir_path,thumbnail_file_path=None,asset_name=None):""" Adds a USD asset to the asset gallery, given the asset file or directory, and optionally the thumbnail file and asset name. If thumbnail file is not provided or does not exist in a given asset directory, it is automatically generated, so that the asset gallery entry always has an icon. If asset name is not provided, it is deduced from the file/dir name. """