I'm trying to get access to usd metadata in sops. But I'm struggling to figure out how. E.g as put in the image I would like to get the id as a string attribute on the primitives or points.
So I now have added some custom data in the metadata. I do see "customData" appearing as a key, but when I try to get access to it, the values don't show. I also tried "customData:myCustomData"
For more complex data types you'll need to go through python I'm afraid. Some data types won't be able to be assigned as attributes though since there may not be geometry data types that support it.
kgoossens but when I try to get access to it, the values don't show. I also tried "customData:myCustomData"
Just came across this post while also looking for extracting Meta Data from USD files. Your mentioned "customData:myCustomData" which works for me. Thx
datas in customData are complex data,they are not just string ,int or float... so if you write the vex like this usd_metadata("op:/stage/OUT","/sopcreate1","customData") It certainly didn't work. the best way is Separate readings. Thx.