RBD animated spheres interaction with collider surface

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Hi everyone and thanx in advance for attention.

I'm looking to achieve this effect and I was wondering which could be the simplest way to tackle it.

I need a bunch of little spheres rotating around the surface of a displaced sphere. They are attracted (pop attractor) by the big sphere. In proximity of the little spheres where them collide withe big one, i would like the displace to loose height and the surface to smooth up and return not displaced.

The animating surface should also affect the dynamics of the little spheres. The effect should cumulate over the sphere where the little sphere pass.

Please, any hint on how to search for such a topic is welcome. I can't find anything.
I kind believe that the big sop sphere has to be deformed in dops and has to be feed on every frame as a collider.
I attached a screenshot of a similar effect achieved in cinema4d by feeding particle to vertex map and controlling a displacer deformer with that vertex map.

Could someone kindly help a noob like me


Schermata 2021-12-22 alle 19.15.18.png (286.1 KB)

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This sorta thing? Just using a strong pops point force to pull all the spheres to the center, then noise to make them roll around, all against an animated collider.

rbd_collide_planet2.gif (1.1 MB)
rbd_spheres_on_lumpy_animated_planet.hip (756.1 KB)

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Thank you Mestela. That covers one part. Imagine to have a wrinkled surface where some magical spheres fall from gravity and begins to roll over the surface making it smooth. I would need to deform, displacing or "undisplacing" on normal, the big sphere in proximity of the little spheres. The little spheres should remain above the displaced surface, so they should have a kind of feedback from the newly deformed surface

here is a wrong visualization of what i need, done in cinema4d.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/4c6dkqyp9zoqdm1/test%20displace.mp4?dl=0 [www.dropbox.com]
you can see that the "undisplacement" is been reduced by a circular shape growing. I would like that the growth of the "undisplace" started from the position of the little sphere when they touch the big one. The effect should cumulate over time so that.

I'm tryng to achieve it in sop but definetly would like that to be dynamic.
I'm pretty sure to have achieved this effect in cinema 4d on previous version but on last one the procedure is really buggy. So i said let's give it a try in houdini. I'm not that good though on H.

Thanx for your help. I really apreciate that.
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Hmm, vellum maybe? You'd need two way interaction between the hard and soft surfaces, that's not easy with bullet rbd.

In theory if all objects were vellum, the small spheres using shape match mode so they act like rbd spheres, the large sphere with cloth style mode trying to follow sop animation, you could have the small shapes affect the bigger one and smooth it. Tricky.
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I probably need to simplify my needs and compensate with directing the shot in a certain way.
Thanx for help and also for cgwiki. That's a goldmine for people like me learning H
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