Trouble reading multiple UV sets with houdini engine in maya

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Hi all, thank you in advance for any help!

I'm working in production and am currently making a houdini engine based baking tool for 32bit displacement maps for VFX use.

Currently I've got all the baking and redisplacement working in houdini but I'm having a snag with some additional features.

We would also like the ability to bake normal maps for previewing our displacement without choking our scenes with millions of polygons.
For pipe reasons, this normal map also needs it's own UVset, im able to create and switch between my different UV sets in houdini but when I look in the maya side of things I just have a UV and a map1 uv set and not the uv set I'm needing for my normal maps; however I do see the name of the uv set I want listed in extra attributes.

I was just wondering if anyone had a solution for getting maya to pick up this extra uv set I've created inside of houdini.

any help is greatly appreciated!
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Joined: 8月 2019
Hi Sean - apologies for the delayed response. You need to create two detail string tuple attributes: maya_uv_name and maya_uv_mapped_uv. See the attached HDA for an example.

More information can be found here: []

uv_set_test.hda (36.2 KB)

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