Adding inputs to the invoke node

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I've started using compile blocks and I have one now that needs more than 4 inputs. You can set the number of inputs in the Invoke sop, but the node itself only ever has 4 inputs. I'm a little confused by this and any help explaining how this is expected to work would be appreciated. I'm assuming I am forced to use the Input Path fields for the additional inputs that aren't present. (The picture is only for reference)

invoke_node.png (137.2 KB)

Todd Boyce
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yes, for more additional (or even first 4) inputs you have to drag the SOP to the Input Path parameters
Edited by tamte - 2022年3月18日 13:36:13
Tomas Slancik
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Thanks for the confirmation Thomas, it's weird to me that adding inputs didn't actually add input ports to the node.

Todd Boyce
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Thanks for the confirmation Thomas, it's weird to me that adding inputs didn't actually add input ports to the node.
dynamic number of inputs is not something that SOP nodes support, for all nodes I know it's always hardcoded, so I assume Invoke SOP is just build around those limitations
most factory nodes have up to 4 inputs or multiinput, I assume not having more than 4 is for clarity to avoid overcrowding
in HDA type definition you can choose number of inputs so you can see custom nodes with 5+ inputs, and if the number is too high to be drawn as separate inputs they will be represented as multiinput like Merge SOP, but it's still a hardcoded amount in the definition and can't change per node type instance
Edited by tamte - 2022年3月18日 17:31:58
Tomas Slancik
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That makes sense. Most nodes don't give you the option to add additional inputs when they have ports corresponding to the default inputs - like the object merge you can add additional merges(inputs), but it has no ports, or the multiinput doesn't require changing the ports when more items are added. Off the top of my head I don't know of any other node that has both a fixed number of ports and variable amount of inputs so it is a bit weird in that regard.
Todd Boyce
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