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Congrats every iron heart Houdinists!
Edited by Hertz_ - 2022年4月9日 02:47:44

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I made it! It was really a huge challenge, but I feel like I learned a ton, I really needed this kind of pressure to force myself to dive into Houdini.
Congrats to everybody who participated! It was very motivating to see all the great work being posted everyday.

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It was fun.

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Been great working on this challenge and seeing all the creative ways people go about creating their projects.
Great job everyone and thank you for this year's Mardini!

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Had lots of fun doing this challenge! Congratulations to everyone.

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Such a fun challenge. Goal for next one is less viewport renders!

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Hello guys! Thanks again for this Mardini edition, it was a very fun challenge for entire march, also it was a really good way and opportunity to discover and learn how to use new nodes, workflows and modules as Solaris.

Here is my contact sheed animated and also the image version: []

I don't know why this video doesn't want to appear as embed, maybe is tired after one month of mardini hehe.

I challenged myself to do all the entries animated, also in some cases to do a non-common usage of the node from each day with different styles and color palletes to make it more diverse, I'm really happy with my results at least .

If you want to see some quick breakdowns of all of my entries you can check them on my YouTube channel:

@cdordelly YT channel []

I have the plan to make some tutorials of some of my Mardini entries, you can follow me on twitter [] for news about that

Kudos for all of you to complete this challenge, I'm glad to share with very talented artists like all of you.

Cheers and happy end of weekend
Edited by cdordelly - 2022年4月3日 18:17:40

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Thanks Everyone!

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As with so many others in this thread - I learned so much doing Mardini and had a blast doing so. I was dreading KineFX week, as a non-animator, but wow does that open doors for someone who likes to code. It was Solaris ended up being the toughest week!

Thanks for organizing - and I'll be back for the next event for sure.

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As for the previous ones, I got to play around with some new nodes. I mostly learned about the whole Solaris workflow and karma XPU rendering/materials which was quite nice. Can't wait for next year's one.

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The last two weeks forced me to figure out new concept and it was very challenging.
I think i got the core concept of Kine FX, but Solaris is still kind a sorcery for me.
I still have a lot of work to do, but after this month i feel more confident with daily scheduling.
This challenge was lot of fun, and few hours of sleep ahahahah
I'm happy to have learned so much, some nodes i found are amazing!
I also discovered amazing artist and this push me to do better!
Sorry for my bad english, and congratulations to everyone!!!!
See you soon!!

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Started late and was playing catchup all the way - KineFX was a tough learning curve - but now I'm confident I would like to go back and learn more....Thanks again for competition and a reson to look at some new nodes.

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Well.... submitting just at the end, once again...

It was a pleasure getting to see all of the amazing participating artists' work each day. Thank you SideFX for organizing and hopefully I have the time to compete again next year.

I will be posting animated versions of each daily setup on my Instagram ( @dotsimulate ) if you want to check that out. I hope to continue seeing all of everyone's work.

Mardini 2022 was a wild ride and I was playing catchup for most of it, but I am very happy with the artwork it got me to make and all of the little tools I developed along the way. Karma and KineFX are incredible recent additions to Houdini. CHOPs is sick too, but crashes Houdini. I've been in the Touchdesigner world for the past few months, so this was an excellent trail by fire way to get back into Houdini. I spent a bit too much time each day building my setup and not enough time on lighting and rendering, but the past week I've been using Karma and the lighting tools within Solaris and I'm super pumped to be getting comfortable with those tools.

Looking forward to more Houdini time!


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Edited by dotsimulate - 2022年4月4日 02:21:55

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Oh, no. Next year, right?
Well, I dropped something I was pretty confident about this year.
I was 6th last year and 10th this year: .... I feel degraded.

Oh well, I'll get back on track and do my best next year!

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over already
Had a ton of fun and loads of freakout sessions
Learned so much and lots of unknown unknowns came to light
and I am feeling much more confident than I was a month ago
Would defo come back next year
big thenx to everyone at sidefx and everyone who participated and made it epic
Toodlez awesome people

also changed the BG color to try and make it a bit more presentable
hopefully won't be an issue

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This was fun!
The struggle was worth it
Now on to regular sleeping hours~
Edited by galagast - 2022年4月5日 16:45:27

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Wow. This has been such a journey!

Im so grateful that this challenge is open to all skill levels and for the hard work that gets put into an event like this alnong with everything else yall do to maintain Houdini. This was such a great way for me to push myself to learn houdini and 3d art in a really ballenced way. Im excited to see what I can learn next.

The two big goals for me were to learn the software and become more comfortible posting "bad art" (perfection being the enemey of the good and all that) and I think Ive definitely accomplised both! Ive learned a lot about how I can continue to improve and Im going to keep working hard at it! big congrats to everyone else who kept up with this every day, I'll miss wakining up to all of your amazing art!
Edited by ccallaha - 2022年4月5日 22:34:24

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