Unreal 5 - Houdini Engine - Static meshes

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Hello guys.
I'm playing with Unreal 5 and Houdini Engine. And I have a problem.
The static meshes produced (or inside, unbaked) by the hda's do not show in game mode.
I have a building generator which places some instances in the scene, static meshes and simple door blueprints.
The blueprints work, the static meshes do not. When I press the "G" only their shadow shows.
When I play, they do not appear at all. Their collisions are there, though. In normal viewport anything is ok.

Screenshot 2022-04-15 17-57-07.png (1.2 MB)
Screenshot 2022-04-15 17-57-23.png (1.2 MB)
Screenshot 2022-04-15 17-58-12.png (2.5 MB)

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FWIW, I'm seeing the same behavior. I have a UE5.0 build via the launcher and Houdini Engine v2 installed via the package that came with Houdini 19.0.584 daily build. Very odd.

EDIT: Just tried with latest production build of 19.0.589 install and matching engine plug-in. Same behavior.

EDIT2: I believe, at least in my case, it is related to the World Partition System in UE5. I'm using a default Third Person Template for my testing. IN that map, my HDA geo disappears during both 'sim' and 'pie' but is visible in editor. By default, that map has 2 world partition actors in there ("WordlDataLayers-1" and "WordlParitionMiniMap"). Don't know that they are the problem but they were a clue I could at least test against.

When I spin up a new map (CTRL-N) and simply select "basic", that map does not have the 2 World Partition actors, uses the old streaming level system and my HDA geo is visible in gameplay. Don't know if this is the same as what you are experiencing but it may be worth checking the level set up.

Looks like I'll be reading a bit more about World Partition later tonight.
Edited by peternicolai - 2022年4月18日 16:54:19
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Hey peternicolai, haven't been here in a while, I've just seen your answer. Thank you! I'll look into this partition stuff.
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This issue seems to arise from the World Partition map.
Have you found any solution to this?
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I am experiencing the same issue and do agree that it happens whenever world partition is enabled. It's been driving me crazy trying to figure it out but have not found any solution as yet with my own experimentation and researching it online. It is surprisingly hard finding anything on this online, considering what a crucial functionality it is to be able to generate a procedural world
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Hi guys, Im just running into this now... have you found out any more?
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I can confirm this is also happening to us. In my testing, the HDA is completely removed from the Outliner during Play in Editor. So HDAs with generated geo or instanced geometry are not loaded during Play mode.

HDAs will load fine in maps where World Partition is not enabled, but if World Partition is enabled the HDAs will not load.
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I can confirm that we have the same problem with world partition enabled. The only way to make it work is to bake them ...
I'm in 19.0.561 .. didn't move to 19.5 yet but we will next week but I'm wondering if the problem still exist int 19.5?
Edited by PDGoupil - 2022年8月17日 12:07:00
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