MaterialX online library

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The edit material network node will work on the material. I don't think there's a way to edit node graphs directly though.
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I installed the Python 2 version of 19.0.498 and also the libgl per Mark's suggestion and it works now
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jsmack Thanks...
But a little sad !
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jsmack Thanks...
But a little sad !
There are no methods to directly edit anything in LOPs, you always need an operation/LOP to do it. Have you tried using an Edit Material LOP to edit it (as jsmack suggests)? It should give you want you want?

Also: currently there is no node-based way of visualizing USD node graphs in Solaris. The Scene Graph Tree is really the only way, and it's, well, a tree.
Edited by jason_iversen - 2022年1月26日 13:55:20
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
also, []
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There are no methods to directly edit anything in LOPs, you always need an operation/LOP to do it. Have you tried using an Edit Material LOP to edit it (as jsmack suggests)? It should give you want you want?

Also: currently there is no node-based way of visualizing USD node graphs in Solaris. The Scene Graph Tree is really the only way, and it's, well, a tree.

You can use the edit material node to edit the material nodes, which includes editing the nodegraphs within. My post was referring to editing the referenced node graphs directly so that materials that reference them would inherit the changes. Maybe the edit material network node could be generalized to edit node graphs too.
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jsmack > Thank you

I did it

Best regards
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Hi Guys,
using H19.0.540 Python3 and I can't get mtlX work with Karma even if graph is ok..

Any hint?
Thank you
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This library and workflow is very promising, seems a bit buggy to me at the moment though

I've got a scene graph and I'm referencing in a mtlx shader from the library and assigning it and it works fine - shows up in the scene graph as MaterialX_Graph, I can edit it with an Edit Material Network LOP or an Edit Material Properties LOP, both work fine.

I then write out a USD file and reference it back in on top of my other layers and as soon as I hit reload I get a default gray shader. I've got some other shaders in there and they work ok. In the scene graph it's just empty prims.

If I go back to the section of my graph where I'm referencing in the mtlx library shader suddenly it's no longer in the scene graph... just the root of where it was being appended.

It's more than likely I'm doing something wrong, I'm a Sloaris novice but I've tried with various shaders, I've tried with and without Edit Material Network LOP etc and no joy.
Edited by j00ey - 2022年8月17日 11:20:53

sceneGraph1.jpg (59.1 KB)
sceneGraph2.jpg (66.4 KB)
sceneGraph3.jpg (52.2 KB)

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Probably something wrong with the path to the mtlx file. Assuming you're using a Reference LOP to reference in the mtlx file, what is the path you are specifying to the mtlx file? You should always use absolute paths in the Reference LOP (and Sublayer LOP) to ensure the path gets written out properly when saving the USD file to disk. In the second and third images, are there any warnings on any of your LOP nodes? Something about not being able to find or load the specified mtlx file? My other guess would be that the primitive path being referenced from the mtlx file isn't being specified properly. This should also result in a warning somewhere in your LOP network. Though LOPs should take care of that for you, so I hope this isn't the issue.

If you could attach a hip file (and the MTLX file) that would really help...
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Hi, thanks for that.

I am using a Reference LOP to bring in the .mtlx file and it does have an absolute path -


and I wrote this layer out as usda to see if I could spot anything and it doesn't seem wrong to me :

def "mtl" (
prepend references = @D:/USD_assets/mtlx/SciFi_Brick_4k_16b/SciFi_Brick.mtlx@</MaterialX>

I didn't know that was something I should be doing so my USD ROPs are all using $HIP/geo/ and when I read the layers back in I'm also using $HIP.

There aren't any warnings or errors on the nodes in the Network View.

I'll attach a hip and the mtlx file here.The textures are too big to upload here so if you need them for testing they're here :, [] it's called SciFi Brick

Thanks again for looking.

SciFi_Brick.mtlx (8.0 KB)
USD_fiddling4.hiplc (1.3 MB)

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This appears to be a bug in either USD or the MTLX USD plugin. Coincidentally we received a bug submission about this problem today. The core of the issue is that calling Reload on an MTLX file causes the loading of that file to fail. I will try to distill this down to a simple test case so I can submit a bug to Pixar.
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Thanks very much for the info.
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