@P.y -= number (vex)didn't work

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I wanted all points of my objects minus min height of the point of the object, so it can move to the grid. but apparently, it didn't work.

fist point wrangle
vector p = point(0, "P", 0);
float minHeight = p.y;
int numberOfPoint = npoints(0);
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfPoint; i++) {
    p = point(0, "P", i);
    if(minHeight > p.y) {
        minHeight = p.y;

f@minHeight = minHeight;

second point wrangle

float minHeight = detail(0, "minHeight");

@P.y -= minHeight;
Edited by zhutianci123456 - 2022年10月15日 09:04:52

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In your second point wrangle node you're attempting to use a detail attribute named 'minHeight' which doesn't exist as a detail.

So with no actual detail attribute it reads back 0. So subtracting 0 doesn't change anything.

The previous point wrangle node you have it set to run over points so the attribute 'minHeight' gets created as a point attribute, not a detail attribute.

So you'll want to change the nodes run over parameter to detail in order that in the next wrangle node you have that detail attribute available.
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In your second point wrangle node you're attempting to use a detail attribute named 'minHeight' which doesn't exist as a detail.

So with no actual detail attribute it reads back 0. So subtracting 0 doesn't change anything.

The previous point wrangle node you have it set to run over points so the attribute 'minHeight' gets created as a point attribute, not a detail attribute.

So you'll want to change the nodes run over parameter to detail in order that in the next wrangle node you have that detail attribute available.

thanks, after i change to
setdetailattrib(0, "minHeight", minHeight, "set");
, it works.
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you can also just change your first wrangle to Detail wrangle
however there is no need to compute this yourself, especially in a loop

you can have a single point wrangle:
@P.y -= getbbox_min(0).y;


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