Hello, I'm merging a bunch of objects, this is the sop path in my object merge node:
I would like to only merge in the node(s) (Tree_A_rndr*) if the display tag on that geo node is set to active, is this possible? In the object merge node documentation I saw a tip that states:
"You can use __display_sop__ or __render_sop__ in the path instead of the name of a real surface node name to have Houdini use whatever node has the display flag or render flag."
I don't understand this tip, is it saying you can only use __display_sop__ by itself, so it will consider everything in the entire scene?
I was also interested in doing this for a project and ended up writing a Python node for it which worked decently enough. A bit hacky but works alright. Only caveat is sometimes it doesn't update properly when toggling visibility.
You have to turn on "create per primitive-path" and "pack geometry before merging" in the objectmerge sop so that it treats OBJ nodes as a whole and create a visibility attribute on the geometry stream before the Python node.