Houdini 20

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Any rumours when it will be released?
and other stuff..

Raccoon.jpeg (555.2 KB)

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This should keep you busy for a while:
https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/86202/ [www.sidefx.com]
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in the Karma XPU: A Houdini 20 Preview by Brian Sharpe @ SIGGRAPH HIVE 2023 he said

"we'll be releasing version one gold (of Karma XPU) and Houdini 20 later this year"
Edited by chf - 2023年8月26日 03:38:40
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in the Karma XPU: A Houdini 20 Preview by Brian Sharpe @ SIGGRAPH HIVE 2023 he said

"we'll be releasing version one gold (of Karma XPU) and Houdini 20 later this year"
"later this year" is a subjective term, it could be 3 weeks or 3 months from now.
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in the Karma XPU: A Houdini 20 Preview by Brian Sharpe @ SIGGRAPH HIVE 2023 he said

"we'll be releasing version one gold (of Karma XPU) and Houdini 20 later this year"
"later this year" is a subjective term, it could be 3 weeks or 3 months from now.

It's definitely the latter. He was asking for rumors. This is the most solid information about a release date I know of :/
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the original thread has been closed,
but i have a serious question,
so much negative reviews about ui/ux and viewport and rendering...etc and i didnt understand a thing.
if i just want to learn for only procedural modeling and non-complex simulations will it be the right software for me ?
kind regards.
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the answer is yes. and complex simulations too afterwards
https://twitter.com/oossoonngg [twitter.com]
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the answer is yes. and complex simulations too afterwards
thanks for the answer , but i dont want to go that deep and wont go for vex , will that be enough for a career opportunity ?
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the answer is yes. and complex simulations too afterwards
thanks for the answer , but i dont want to go that deep and wont go for vex , will that be enough for a career opportunity ?

VEX is not that hard and mostly it is just some lines. You also can use VOP and when you use expressions you have got the base knowlege for vex / coding. For working with houdini you can make many projects with no VEX. But it is like driving a car with handbrakes on you can reach your target but you are limiting the capabilitys.

Carrer wise in VFX it wouldn't be easy with no coding skills. But when you have got a good eye for scene setup, animation then you are in.
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thanks for the answer , but i dont want to go that deep and wont go for vex , will that be enough for a career opportunity ?
sure, there's always market for visualizing complex things in a simpler way, especially for ads and social media - a good eye for design will get you further than vex knowledge in that niche.

obviously everything depends on the goals you have - just keep in mind not everything is about making elaborate flying islands in superhero movies.
https://twitter.com/oossoonngg [twitter.com]
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According to this .pdf https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/91632/ [www.sidefx.com] page 22 and this Illume www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/91733/ [www.sidefx.com] time code 1 h 35 min, Houdini 20 release will be in November 2023.
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According to this .pdf https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/91632/ [www.sidefx.com] page 22 and this Illume www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/91733/ [www.sidefx.com] time code 1 h 35 min, Houdini 20 release will be in November 2023.
I am quite fine with a November release, H20 is a major release, the more time they spend on it, the better, and I have no doubts that we will all be amazed, again !!!
Edited by GCharb - 2023年8月29日 07:10:05
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I couldn’t agree more. Take time, make it right. Don’t release half ass things without proper documentation.
I think a part of the excitement and anticipation is that during launch of 19.5 SideFX talked a lot about v20 and hinted ‘early to mid 2023’ release a few times :-)

Another reason is the long list of rumours and areas that ‘might come’. From what I think we have heard, in no particular order:
- New Vulcan based Viewport?
- A completely revamped animator friendly animation system with dynamic rigging and physics
- New frameworks and architectures?
- Karma CPU enhancements
- Karma XPU out of Beta with a ton of new features per Brian’s presentation
- MaterialX evolution of shaders
- Grooming interpolation
- Paint masks as attributes, without UVs?
- More curve proceduralism?
- Animation Editor enhancements
- More mid layer nodes?
- Meshing tools update and quad remesher
- Feathers
- Muscles out of beta
- D-Box improvements
- White water in SOPS
- Paths control of crowds
- Maybe beta of image / texture synthesis and COMP replacement
- SOPs 2.0 framework
- Multi-shot and multi-session management?
- Stuff from labs project Pegasus?

Hard no to get excited about this lol!
Edited by LukeP - 2023年8月29日 14:46:21
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What is sops 2.0?
They keep talking about it in the new illume vid, but I can't really understand.

It's just an alternative name for the compilable nodes?
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Watch it again
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i wonder if AI could help in grouping nodes into this compilable blocks? and set all necessary settins and stuff? with one click sollution
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i wonder if AI could help in grouping nodes into this compilable blocks? and set all necessary settins and stuff? with one click sollution

Would you first agree to have AI observing everything you do?

Rather than AI it should be enough to have easy and efficient access to templates and (more) generic examples. The functionality with built in examples in the shelves is already doing this, and it could be developed further and refined.
Interested in character concepts, modeling, rigging, and animation. Related tool dev with Py and VEX.
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i wonder if AI could help in grouping nodes into this compilable blocks? and set all necessary settins and stuff? with one click sollution

Would you first agree to have AI observing everything you do?

Rather than AI it should be enough to have easy and efficient access to templates and (more) generic examples. The functionality with built in examples in the shelves is already doing this, and it could be developed further and refined.

I’m pretty confident that given’s SideFX track record of success and experience, they will evaluate opportunities for Machine Learning Models - if, where, and when appropriate.
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I've watched that Illume and noticed that even Jeff Wagner struggles with correct settings and said it could be tidiuous. Other guys tryed to help him and finally it worked.

So instead of templates i would preffer AI with ready to use models that can manipulate NODES. Fe. AI model that can optimize nodes for "tidious compiling blocks" or make same thing but with less nodes and better OpenCL use (better optimised)

it would be perfect to turn ON and OFF AI that train model on how to use nodes and it runns it locally not in some cloud.

So with time it could understand my workflow and help me a lot. FE. when i do a lot of stylyzed cartoony animations i could just type prompt: "add another footstep in this walk cycle" and it will add it with my orginal animation style that it learned

or.. lates say i do a lot of smoke and explosions so i could just type prompt: "make this smoke that was already art directed as huge as volcano" and it will convert it to more voxels with propper settings, etc. or quick apply some last minute art directions like "make stronger wind turbulance and from other direction"

or.. massive corrections of materials in scene with one prompt. fe. "make all bump maps and high maps use gamma 1.0" and stuff like that.

I would definitely let AI observe and learn everything i do with nodes and save it to local model. Mayby even on remote server so whole community could bennefit from it (thare should be 3 options for users: no AI recording. AI recording only for local internal use, and AI recording for community- fe. for this node compilation stuff and other optimizations"

From AI ideas it would be great to have model already trained on whole Houdini source code. to make some sort of AI copilot for VEX. so i could programm it using only english language

But most important for me will be universal NODE similar to Nukes CopyCat. but with all kind of data inputs.

So i could train this AI Node with video input and mesh point animation. With music input and animation curves. With animated particles input and voxels. You get the point

Iam ready for AI revolution in Houdini and not afraid of it!
Edited by oldteapot7 - 2023年8月30日 20:38:34
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I am not afraid of AI, but I hate it.
The results from AI seem to be in disgusting uncanny valley.
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