thank you for your help and sorry for my bad english.
Houdini foam Splash particles without simulation
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- jujekious
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- jujekious
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- cncverkstad
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I posted something similar on Odforce Forum on Topic Hip Library []. You only need to Adjust some details. Like always From Asia Tutorials and vids ..Have Fun.
Conservation of Momentum
- jujekious
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I posted something similar on Odforce Forum on Topic Hip Library []. You only need to Adjust some details. Like always From Asia Tutorials and vids ..Have Fun.


- cncverkstad
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Something FunY.Just have some volume (only in solver SOP )Splash Based. Have Fun.
if(@Frame % 2){ vector center = {0,0,5}; vector pos ; pos = set(-(nrandom()-0.5),0,2); int pt = addpoint(0,pos); vector vel = set(0,0,-4*nrandom()); setpointattrib(0,"v",pt,vel); setpointattrib(0,"m",pt,1); }
vector grad = volumegradient(1,0,@P); vector dir_g = normalize(grad); vector dir_v = normalize(@v); int sig = sign(dot(grad,@v))*-1; float strength = 5*(1-dot(dir_g,dir_v)); @force += strength *grad*sig; if(@P.y >0) @force.y += -1.98; if(@P.y <= 0) @force += 0.5*vector(onoise(@P));
@accel = @force/@m; @v += @accel*@TimeInc; @v = clamp(length(@v),0.2,4)*normalize(@v); @v.x= 0; @P += @v *@TimeInc ; @force = {0,0,-0.1};
Conservation of Momentum
- jujekious
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Just have some volume (only in solver SOP )Splash Based


- jujekious
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Just have some volume (only in solver SOP )Splash Basedthank you very much I am starting to have a good result with the first file on the forum that you recommended to me, the new code "Just have some volume (only in solver SOP) Splash Based"....or should I enter your codes it a new solver that I need to create or just a code modification of the file that I downloaded from the forum.....
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- vfxisland
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hello everyone.
I'm bringing up the subject because I'm trying to do the same thing, particle physics is not realistic on my side, a bad calculation of collison/velocity interactions....use of pop particles or flip particles.. ..I'll leave you my hip files if anyone can help me get a result like the video in the post.Thank you
I'm bringing up the subject because I'm trying to do the same thing, particle physics is not realistic on my side, a bad calculation of collison/velocity interactions....use of pop particles or flip particles.. ..I'll leave you my hip files if anyone can help me get a result like the video in the post.Thank you

- vfxisland
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