Using hscript to control display of objects

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This is a follow-up to my previous post, "Update parameters scripting syntax", that was solved by mtucker.

I'm now using an object's Render Geometry Settings node with hscript to control render display using the following line:

opparm object_RGS `encodeparm("primvars:karma:object:rendervisibility")` ( " " )

This works great, but it means any object I want to separately control the display of needs it's own Render Geometry Settings node.

Instead, is there another (simpler) way, using hscript, to set the visibility of a primitive?

Would be convenient if there was something similar to the Scene Graph's "Toggle scene graph primitive's visibility" parameter for render display.
Edited by fgillis - 2023年12月26日 22:01:22
Floyd Gillis
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You _can_ implement something in the scene graph tree, but remember that changes made there _only_ affect the viewport. They will never affect your final render. Given that your current approach creates a node, I assume this change in behavior would be undesirable. But using a node I think isn't a big deal if you give the node a particular name based on what it does (clear_render_visibility) and every time you want to hide a prim, add it to the Primitives parameter of this existing node (or create the node if it doesn't exist yet).
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you may want to elaborate more

the requirement "using hscript" is a bit cryptic
what is your usecase? or process you are triggering those hscript commands from?
why can't you use Python to set the parms in a similar but more flexible way?
or alternatively Python or VEX to set them up during cook procedurally?
Edited by tamte - 2024年1月4日 23:04:52
Tomas Slancik
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Method Studios, NY
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