First, I constructed a virtual camera with the program (very complex).
Then I proyect a sketch with the program (simple, is still a sketch).
Then I take a photograph of the scene with a physical renderer and take the ortographic perspective of the negative (is not possible yet to obtain photo-quimic events for totally analogic results). So the program calculate the scene out there and I captured the light that tresspass 53 mediums of specular materials, glasses, coatings, diaphragm, ...
The concept of the sketch starts with a proyect called S-50. More a dream than nothing else. A playground for kids constructed with plastic and resins (resignia), concrete, ...
But a visual search and the organic feelings let me call it "The Worm´s Garden (gärgäntä)". The tematic has at this level a very dark aspect.
The objective is a functional model of a Canon 24 mm II USM mounted in a Canon EF, with a Canon APS-C film (22.1 mm wide) in panavision format.
F-stop 8.